Description | 95 offprints of published papers by J B S Haldane, arranged chronologically. Comprises articles on a variety of subjects mainly covering the statistics of evolution, association of characters and genetic linkage, biometrics, pacifism, and parthogenesis. Articles were published in many scholarly organs, but primarily 'Journal of Genetics', 'Annals of Eugenics' (and 'Annals of Human Genetics' from 1954), 'Biometrika', 'Science and Culture', 'Sankhya', and 'Nature'. Consists of:
'The Theory of a Cline', 'Journal of Genetics', vol. 48, no. 3, January 1948. 'Differences', 'Mind', vol. 57, no. 227, July 1948, (labelled 'L S Penrose'). 'Methods for the Study of Histocompatability Genes' by G D Snell (appendix by J B S Haldane), 'Journal of Genetics', vol. 49, no. 2, October 1948. 'The Number of Genotypes which can be Formed with a Given Number of Genes', 'Journal of Genetics', vol. 49, no. 2, October 1948. 'The Precision of Observed Values of Small Frequencies', 'Biometrika', vol. 35, parts 3 and 4, December 1948. 'Note on the Median of a Multivariate Distribution', 'Biometrika', parts 3 and 4, December 1948. 'A Simple Exact Test for Birth-Order Effect', 'Annals of Eugenics', vol. 14, part 2, 1948. 'Croonian Lecture: The Formal Genetics of Man', 'Proceedings of the Royal Society B', vol. 135, 1948. 'Suggestions as to Quantitative Measurement of Rates of Evolution', 'Evolution', vol. 3, no. 1, March 1949. 'A Note on Non-Normal Correlation', 'Biometrika', volume 36, parts 3 and 4, December 1949. 'The Association of Characters as a Result of Inbreeding and Linkage', 'Annals of Eugenics', vol 15, part 1, 1949. 'Parental and Fraternal Correlations for Fitness', 'Annals of Eugenics', vol. 14, part 4, 1949. 'A Test for Homogeneity of Records of Familial Abnormalities', 'Annals of Eugenics', vol. 14, part 4, 1949. 'The Rate of Mutation of Human Genes', 'Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Genetics', Hereditas Suppl. Vol., 1949. 'Disease and Evolution', extracted from the volume 'Symposium sui Fattori Ecologici e Genetici della Speciazione negli Animali', suppl. to 'La Ricerca Scientifica', 1949. 'The Extraction of Square Roots', 'Mathematical Gazzette', vol. 35, no. 312, May 1951. 'La Narcose par les Gaz Indiffrents', 'Mcanisme de la Narcose', 1951. 'La Mthode dans la Gntique', extract from 'Actualits Scientifiques et Industrielles, no. 1155 on 'Biologie', from the series 'Philosophie', (Paris: Hermann and Cie. diteurs, 1951). 'A Class of Efficient Estimates of a Parameter', 'Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute', vol. 33, part 2, 1951. 'Relations between Biology and other Sciences', 'Science and Culture', vo. 17, no. 10, April 1952, x 2 copies. 'J B S Haldane on India', 'Vedanta for East and West', vol. 1, no. 6, July-August 1952, (annotated 'reprint without permission or accuracy'). 'The Mathematics of Biology', 'Scientific Journal of the Royal College of Science', vol. 22, 1952. 'Mechanical Chess-Player', 'The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science', vol. 3, no. 10, 1952. 'Simple Tests for Bimodality and Bitangentiality', 'Annals of Eugenics', vol. 16, part 4, 1952. 'On Some Statistical Formulae', 'Science and Culture', vol. 18, June 1953. 'Some Animal Life Tables', 'The Journal of the Institute of Actuaries', vol. 79, part 1, no. 351, June 1953. 'Closing Address', 'I. U. B. S. Symposium on Genetics of Population Structure', August 1953. 'Animal Ritual and Human Language', 'Diogenes', no. 4, 1953. 'Foreword', 'Symposia of the Society for Experimental Biology', no. 7, Evolution, 1953. 'The Estimation of Two Parameters from a Sample', 'Sankhya: The Indian Journal of Statistics', vol. 12, part 4, 1953, (annotated 'Uncorrected!'). 'The Statics of Evolution', extract from 'Evolution as a Process', eds. J Huxley, A C Hardy, E B Ford, (London: Allen & Unwin, 1954). 'The Genetics of Some Biochemical Abnormalities', 'Lectures on the Scientific Basis of Medicine', vol. 3, 1953-1954, x 2 copies. 'Introducing Douglas Spalding', 'The British Journal of Animal Behaviour', vol. 2, no. 1, January 1954. 'Substitutes for X2', 'Biometrika', vol. 42, parts 1 and 2, June 1954. 'An Exact Test for Randomness of Mating', 'Journal of Genetics', vol. 52, no. 3, October 1954. 'The Mathematics of Bird Population Growth and Decline', 'Journal of Animal Ecology', vol. 23, no. 2, November 1954. 'A Statistical Analysis of Communication in Apis Mellifera', 'Insectes Sociaux', vol. 1, no. 3, 1954. 'La Signalisation Animale', 'Anne Biologique', vol. 30, 1954. 'The Measurement of Natural Selection', 'Caryologia', vol. suppl., 1954. 'A Logical Analysis of Learning, Conditioning and Related Processes', 'Behaviour', vol 6, no. 4, 1954. 'Targets', 'Mathematical Gazette', vol. 39, no. 327, February 1955. 'Die Bedeutung der Makromolekle fr Evolution und Differenzierung', from 6th Colloquium der Gesellschaft fr physiologische Chemie, 20-22 April 1955 in Mosbach/Baden. 'The Complete Matrices for Brother-Sister and Alternative Parent-Offspring Mating Involving One Locus', 'Journal of Genetics', vol. 53, no. 2, May 1955. 'A Problem in the Significance of Small Numbers', 'Biometrika', vol. 42, parts 1 and 2, June 1955, x 2 copies. 'Animal Communication and the Origin of Human Language', 'Science Progress', no. 171, July 1955. 'Genetical Effects of Radiation from Products of Nuclear Explosions', 'Nature', vol. 176, 16 July 1955. "First Woodhull Lecture: The Prospects of Eugenics", 'New Biology', vol. 22, 1955 "The Genetics Effects of Atomic Bomb Explosions", 'Current Science', 24, December 1955 "The Rapid Circulation of X2 as a Test of Homogeneity from a 2 x n Table", 'Biometrika', vol. 42, parts 3 and 4, December 1955 "The Calculation of Mortality Rates from Ringing Data", 'Sep. Acta XI Congr. Int. Orn.', 1955 "Remaniement du Patrimonie Hrditaire Humain", 'La Prognse', Centre International de L'Enfance, Travaux et Documents VIII, 1955 "Mcanismes Biochemiques d'Action des Gnes", 'La Prognse', Centre International de L'Enfance, Travaux et Documents VIII, 1955 "Non-Violent Biology", 'The Quarterly', [1955?], x2 copies "Aristotle's Account of Bees' Dances", 'Journal of Hellenic Studies', vol. 75, 1955 "Les Aspects Physico-Chimiques des Instincts", extract from the volume 'L'Instinct dans le Comportement des Animaux et de l'Homme', (Paris, Masson et Cie, diteurs, 1956) "A Logical Basis for Genetics?", 'The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science', vol. 6, no. 23, 1955 "Natural Selection", 'Transactions of the Bose Research Institute Calcutta', vol. 20, 1955 "The Biochemistry of Genetics", 'Society of Biological Chemists, India: Souvenir', 1955 "The Detection of Antigens with an Abnormal Genetic Determination", 'Journal of Genetics', vol. 54, no. 1, January 1956 "The Conflict Between Inbreeding and Selection. 1. Self-Fertilization", 'Journal of Genetics', vol. 54, no. 1, January 1956 "The Willcoxon and Related Tests of Significance", 'Experientia', vol. 12, no. 6, 1956 "The Estimation of Mutation Rates Produced by High Energy Events in Mammals", 'Current Science', 25, March 1956 "Biometry", 'Sankhya: The Indian Journal of Statistics', vol. 16, parts 3 and 4, April 1956 "The Detection of Autosomal Lethals in Mice Induced by Mutagenic Agents", 'Journal of Genetics', vol. 54, no. 2, May 1956 "The Sampling of a Maximum-Likelihood Estimate", 'Biometrika', parts 1 and 2, June 1956 "Time in Biology", 'Science Progress', no. 175, July 1956 "Imprinting and the Evolution of Insects", 'Nature', vol. 178, 14 July 1956 "The Argument from Animals to Men: An Examination of its Validity for Anthropology", 'The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute', vol. 86, part 2, July-December 1956 "Correspondence: The Sources of Some Ethological Notions", 'The British Journal of Animal Behaviour', vol. 4, no. 4, October 1956 "Some Reflections on Non-Violence", 'Mankind', vol. 1, no. 4, November 1956 "Almost Unbiassed Estimates of Functions of Frequencies", 'Sankhya: The Indian Journal of Statistics', vol. 17, part 3, December 1956 "Can a Species Concept be Justified?", 'Systematics Association Publication Number 2: The Species Concept in Palaeontology', December 1956 "The Theory of Selection for Melanism in Lepidoptera", 'Proceedings of the Royal Society B', vol. 145, 1956 "The Estimation and Significance of the Logarithm of a Ratio of Frequencies", 'Annals of Human Genetics', vol. 20, part 4, 1956 "The Biometrical Analysis of Fossil Populations", 'Journal of the Palaeonotological Society of India', vol. 1, 1956 "Natural Selection in Man", 'Acta Genetica et Statistica Medica: Proceedings of the First International Congress of Human Genetics', vol. 6, no. 3, 1956/57 "The Conditions for Coadaptation in Polymorphism for Inversions", 'Journal of Genetics', vol. 53, no. 1, February 1957 "Graphical Methods in Enzyme Chemistry", 'Nature', vol. 179, 20 April 1957 "The Cost of Natural Selection", 'Journal of Genetics', vol. 55, no. 3, December 1957 "Parthenogenesis", 'Triangle: The Sandoz Journal of Medical Science", vol. 3, no. 4, January 1958 "Human Genetics Comes of Age", J B S Haldane's review of 'Biochemistry of Human Genetics' ed. G E W Wolstenholme and C M O'Connor, in 'Journal of Genetics', vol. 57, no. 1, June 1960 J B S Haldane's review of 'Health Physics in Nuclear Installations' by O.E.E.C, E.N.E.A. and the Danish Atomic Energy Commission, in 'Journal of Genetics', vol. 57, no. 1, June 1960 J B S Haldane's review of 'Radiation, Genes and Man' by Bruce Wallace and Th. Dobzhansky, in 'Perspectives in Biology and Medicine', vol. 3, no. 4, Summer 1960 "Evidence for Heterosis in Woodlice", 'Journal of Genetics', vol. 58, no. 1, April 1962 "An Enumeration of Some Human relationships", 'Journal of Genetics', vol. 58, no. 1, April 1962 "Natural Selection in a Population with Annual Breeding but Overlapping Generations", 'Journal of Genetics', vol. 58, no. 1, April 1962 "Selection of Double Heterozygotes", 'Journal of Genetics', vol. 58, no. 1, April 1962 "Polymorphism Due to Selection of Varying Direction", 'Journal of Genetics', vol. 58, no. 2, March 1963 "The Solution of Some Quations Occurring in Population Genetics", 'Journal of Genetics', vol. 58, no. 3, December 1963 "A Defense of Beanbag Genetics", 'Perspectives in Biology and Medicine', vol. 7, no. 3, Spring 1964 "Equilibria under Natural Selection at a Sex-Linked Locus", 'Journal of Genetics', vol. 59, no. 1, August 1964 "The Comparison of Coefficients of Inbreeding", 'Journal of Genetics', vol. 60, no. 3, September 1971 |