Description | 24 offprints of articles by R A Fisher, arranged chronologically. Comprises articles mainly on statistics and statistical methods in genetics, probability in the natural sciences, and his booklet 'Smoking: The Cancer Controversy'. Consists of:
'The Effect of Methods of Ascertainment upon the Estimation of Frequencies', 'Annals of Eugenics', vol. 6, part 1, October 1934. 'The Statistical Utilization of Multiple Measurements', 'Annals of Eugenics', vol. 8, part 4, 1938. 'The Estimation of the Proportion of Recessives from Tests Carried outon a Sample not Wholly Unrelated', 'Annals of Eugenics', vol. 10, part 2, 1940. 'Average Excess and Average Effect of a Gene Substitution', 'Annals of Eugenics', vol. 11, part 1, 1941. 'The Likelihood Solution of a Problem in Compounded Probabilities', 'Annals of Eugenics', vol. 11, part 3, 1942. 'Allowance for Double Reduction in the Calculation of Genotype Frequencies with Polysomic Inheritance', 'Annals of Eugenics', vol. 12, part 2, 1944. 'The Sex Chromosome in the House Mouse', 'Heredity', vol. 1, part 3, December 1947. 'Properties of Functions', 'British Association Mathematical Tables', vol. 1, Third Edition 1951. 'Statistical Methods in Genetics', 'Heredity', vol. 6, part 1, April 1952. 'Croonian Lecture: Population Genetics', 'Proceedings of the Royal Society B', vol. 141, 1953. 'The Analysis of Variance with Various Binomial Transformations', 'Biometrics: The Biometric Society', vol. 10, no. 1, March 1954. 'Discussion of the Analysis of Variance with Various Binomial Transformations', 'Biometrics: The Biometric Society', vol. 10, no. 1, March 1954. 'Statistical Methods and Scientific Induction', 'Journal of the Royal Statistical Society', Series B (Methodological), vol. 17, no. 1., 1955. 'On a Test of Significance in Pearson's Biometrika Tables (No. 11)', 'Journal of the Royal Statistical Society', Series B (Methodological), vol. 18, no. 1, 1956. 'New Tables of Behrens' Test of Significance', 'Journal of the Royal Statistical Society', Series B (Methodological), vol. 18, no. 2, 1956. M S Bartlett's review of 'Statistical Methods and Scientific Inference' by R A Fisher, in 'Biometrika', vol. 44, parts 1 and 2, June 1957. D V Lindley's review of 'Statistical Methods and Scientific Inference' by R A Fisher, in 'Heredity', vol. 11, part 2, August 1957. 'The Nature of Probability', 'The Centennial Review', vol. 2, no. 3, Summer 1958. 'Mathematical Probability in the Natural Sciences', 'Eighth International Congress of Pharmaceutical Sciences', September 1958. 'Smoking: The Cancer Controversy', (Edinburgh and London: Oliver and Boyd, 1959). 'On Some Extensions of Bayesian Inference Proposed by Mr Lindley', 'Journal of the Royal Statistical Society', Series B (Methodological), vol. 22, no. 2, 1960. 'The Percentile Points of Distributions Having Known Cumulants', 'Technometrics', vol. 2, no. 2, May 1960. 'Scientific Thought and the Refinement of Human Reasoning', 'Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan', vol. 3, nos. 1 and 2, October 1960, (annotated 'with kind regards Ronald A Fisher'). |
CustodialHistory | Donated to the Galton Laboratory by C A B Smith, 9 March 1984. |