
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number GDS/6/5
TitleSites and Buildings Committee
DescriptionMinute books and supporting papers of the Sites and Buildings Committee. The Sites and Buildings Committee was created in 1877 and was initially responsible for acquiring new sites; alterations to school buildings; furniture and fixtures for schools; alterations and furniture for the head office. In 1944 the committee was dissolved and its duties became the responsibility of the 'Finance and Premises' committee. In 1950 the Sites and Buildings Committee was reconstituted. In 1992 the Committee was dissolved and its duties became the responsibility of the Property Committee.
Extent8 volumes and 1 file.
ArrangementMinutes cover 1979-1983 are from a later accession so have not been listed chronologically
AccessStatusRestricted access
AccessConditionsAll unpublished administrative material has been closed for 30 years.
Related MaterialReports of the committee were published in the Council Minute books from 1878 and minutes of the committee were published in the Council Minute books from 1950 (See GDS/3/3)
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