
StorageSiteUCL Special Collections
Reference Number HALDANE/3/5/1/2/20
TitleLetters between Hans Grneberg and J B S Haldane
DateApr 1942 - May 1942
DescriptionLetters between Hans Grneberg and J B S Haldane in which Grneberg encloses a copy of an article intended for the Journal of Heredity titled "What are we to do with our genes?", and accepts Haldane's offer to demonstrate slides of siderocytes at The Royal Society's Croonian lecture. Haldane's letter is typed on the reverse of Grneberg's initial letter.
Also includes a short letter from Haldane to The Royal Society requesting permission for Grneberg to exhibit his slides. This letter is typed on the reverse of Grneberg's second letter.
Extent4 letters plus enclosure
AccessConditionsThe papers are available subject to the usual conditions of access to Archives and Manuscripts material, after the completion of a Reader's Undertaking.
Related MaterialSee HALDANE/3/5/1/2/21 for The Royal Society's response to Haldane's request.
PublnNoteLetters - no. Enclosed article - unknown.
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