StorageSite | UCL Institute of Education |
Description | Agendas, minutes and accompanying papers, with some correspondence with colleges 1973-1977 Report of the Joint Working party in the Assessment for the Certificate in Education - This was a joint working party of the Academic Board, Committee of Principals, and Board of Educational Studies. It was established to consider issues connected with the award of the Certificate of Education and its relationship to the BEd Part 1 and how far there should be separate criteria for the two awards; review the present grading system; decide on whether uniform scales of marking should be adopted; and to discuss certain aspects of the Regulations with reference to failure and coursework. Also includes papers of the Working Party on the disclosure of examination results (a note of the file stated these papers were retained with those of the Advisory Committee). The Working Party was established by the Academic Board (2 March 1971) to consider whether any change should be made in the instructions to examiners which do not permit the disclosure of failure in any part of the Certificate in Education Examination before the final results are issued. however the papers comprise reports, correspondence and analyses of examinations in general and particularly the comparability of standards between the colleges on examinations for the BEd. |
AdminHistory | The terms of reference of the Advisory Committee on Examination Results were to: - consider details of examination results by course, education age-range, and main and optional subjects in the Certificate of Education for each year and receive reports for subjects in which the norms recommended have been exceeded and to advise the Academic Board on any matters arising from those reports that the Committee deem worthwhile reporting to the Boards of Examiners - consider details details of examination results subject by subjects in Part I of the BEd each year and to receive a report on the results in the examination groups in the Theory of Education from the BEd Education Review Committee, and to advise the Academic Board on any matters arising from those reports that the Committee deem worthwhile reporting to the Boards of Examiners - consider from time to time the content and form of presentation of annual examination result to the Academic Board, to recommend any changes that might be necessary; and to generally give the Board any guidance that may be required on the interpretation of those results.