
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number IE/2/ABS
TitleAcademic Board, 1949-82 (Wider Institute) - Standing Sub-committees / Standing Committees / Executive Committees / Advisory Committees
DescriptionMinutes, agendas and circulated papers of the large number of individual Standing Sub-Committees of the Academic Board, along with their Panels and Sub-Committees
Minutes, agendas and papers of the Executive Committees established in 1970/1
Papers of various Advisory Committees
Extent21 boxes
AdminHistoryThe Academic Board, in order to foster some uniformity between the constituent colleges and departments of the Area Training Organisation (ATO), appointed Standing Sub-Committees to advise it in certain matters, particularly in relation to syllabuses, examinations and the appointment of examiners in individual subjects.

In addition to University Teachers in the areas concerned, the Committees generally included university and external examiners in the appropriate subject and other co-opted members, such as practising teachers and other experts. As well as making recommendations to the Academic Board on syllabuses and schemes of examination, the Standing Sub-Committees also arranged courses, conferences, study groups, lectures and exhibitions in their particular areas of interest.

Executive Committees were established by the Academic Board in 1970 for the 1970/1 session. They undertook the regular business of the former Standing Sub-Committees (which were renamed Standing Committees). They comprised the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Standing Committee (ex-officio); 1 representative from each College in the subject nominated by the College; up to 15 additional College representatives, to provide for representation of Panels or special aspects of the subject field; the Chair of the Board of Examiners; up to 4 co-opted members (from outside the Institute); DES observers as at present. Membership was normally 50. Major policy matters were from this point to be considered by Standing Committees which normally met once a year and had a quorum of 40 members. From 1970 the panels remained unchanged.

In 1974 the Academic Council of the University of London (4 Nov 1974) agreed that a new Joint Committee structure be set up for the oversight of the new awards for students at Colleges of Education (BA. BSc, B.Ed, B.Humanities and Dip.HE). The University agreed that there should be two types of committees in this structure - Joint Degree Committees (responsible for determining combinations of courses for a degree as a whole - see IE/2/JDC) and Joint Subject Committees (responsible for determining combinations of courses in the areas of study with which they were concerned). Four Joint Degree Committees were established - see IE/2/JCE.

Joint Subject Committees were also established to consider the individual subject areas - see IE/2/JSC. Interim committees appear to have worked mainly during 1974 and 1975 to provide a link between the old and new committee system - see IE/2/JIC.
ArrangementThe papers listed here had previously been brought together from various provenances and were stored in two series of boxes on adjacent shelves, but had not been sorted into any meaningful sequence within these. The original order having already been lost, they have been further sorted and papers relating to each committee have been listed together. In October 2015 a further set of papers were found - comprising the papers of Mr Marhsall and Willis C Dixon. There was a also a small number of papers of Grace Wacey (all Secretaries). These were checked against the catalogue and mostly destroyed as being second, unsigned sets. They were originally marked with the RefNo IE/SSC. This reference is no longer in use.
Related MaterialIE/2/ABD - records of the Wider Academic Board
IE/2/JCE - records of the Joint Committee of Education
IE/2/JDC - records of the Joint Degree Committees
IE/2/JIC - records of the Joint Interim Committees
IE/2/JSC - records of the Joint Subject Committees (replaced the Standing, Executive and Advisory Committees)
IE/2/JPR - records of the Joint Professional Committee
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