
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number IE/2/ASC/3
TitleStanding Conference of Area Training Organisations. Committee on Unqualified Applicants
DescriptionDraft final report of the committee
Paper by the National Advisory Council of the Training and Supply of Teachers on academic qualifications for admission to training colleges - analysis of students admitted 1950-2
Statistical information on the admission of women 1950
Minutes of meetings
Statistics from Sunderland training College on students entering the colleges with fewer than five credits in the School Certificate
Procedures for admitting unqualified students - for various Area Training Organisations
AdminHistoryA committee of five was set up to consider the:
Examination results of students so far who were 'exceptionally admitted' to colleges
Procedures for admissions adopted by the are training organisations
Effect of the General Certificate in Education pass level on the minimum requirements of admission to the training college
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