
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number IE/2/ATO/103
TitleWorking Party on Postgraduate Training
DescriptionComprises agendas, minutes and papers for meetings held between February and September 1972. Includes correspondence with the Department of Education and Science and constituent colleges regarding the Institute's proposals for post-graduate courses in colleges of education for 1971/72-1974/75, information on student targets and actual enrolments for the constituent colleges, and college views on additional courses

A number of files were kept by the ATO administrators. All have been retained, but there is some overlap between the files
Extent1 box, 3 folders
AdminHistoryAt the meeting of the Committee of Principals held January 1970 it was decided to set up a working party on postgraduate courses to discuss and make recommendations on a realistic target for postgraduate student numbers, based on information from the colleges with a view to a reply to ATO letter 5/69 from the DES. It was then decided the party should meet each year.
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