
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number IE/2/ATO/133
TitleCommittee for University Awards
DescriptionCorrespondence regarding the establishment of the committee.
Agenda, papers and minutes for the committee's first meeting held 4th June 1973 until the meeting held June 1974
Correspondence between the Institute and constituent collleges and papers relating to the new guidelines for courses. Relates to the new guidelines that were created for the new BEd Ordinary degree, the four-years BEd Honours degree, and a three year degree in Education with honours. The majority of papers discuss meetings held between the University of London Board of Educational Studies and the Academic Board Standing Committees to discuss the new structure of courses.
Extent1 folder
AdminHistoryThe report of the Joint Working Party on the Structure of Initial Courses (see IE/2/ATO/135) recommended that procedures be put in place for consideration of proposals for degrees in faculties other than Education. Similar procedures would also be required at Institute level of proposals for new degrees in Education, for Dip HE courses and for other awards (e.g. Academic Diploma and Masters) in all Colleges. It was recommended that a special committee be established to consider proposals from colleges, or groups of colleges, to teach for degree or other University awards. This was approved at the meeting of the Academic Board on 30 April 1973, and endorsed by the Committee of Principals and Council. In addition to considering the proposals for courses, the new Committee on University Awards was to also discuss resources and rationalisation. Proposals for would need to be sent to the Committee from the Standing Committees.

Reports on proposals considered by the Committee on University Awards would be submitted to the Council for formal approval through the Academic Board, and then on to the relevant University body.

The committee constituted:
- 5 appointed teachers nominated by the Committee for Advanced Courses and Studies
- 5 recognised teachers in education nominated by the Standing Committee in Education
- 13 members representing subject fiels other than education, nominated by the Academic Board
- 5 members nominated by the Committee of Principals
- 2 student members nominated by the University of London Institute of Education Student Association
- Ex-officio members: the Director of the Institute (Lionel Elvin) and the Dean of the Institute (Professor W D Wall)
- Co-opted members who would include unviersity staff with knowledge in College work, for specific proposals in subject fields not already covered

The specific terms of reference for the committee were:
(1) to consider proposals from Colleges of Education, or from groups of Colleges, for courses leading to the award of:
- Diploma in Higher Education
- Graduate Certificate in Education
- Degrees in Education
- Degrees in subjects other than Education
- Masters degrees, and other advanced studies, in Education

(2) in considering proposals, to have regard for academic content of courses, resources and staffing, recruitment of students, and plans (if suitable) for co-operation in teaching with other colleges

New guidelines were created for the new BEd Ordinary degree, the four-years BEd Honours degree, and a three year degree in Education with honours. These guidelines were agreed by the Committee on University Awards and were discussed at the meeting of the Academic Board on 6th November 1973. All constituent colleges were invited to send in a programme of the range of future courses. Chairmen of the Standing Committees met to discuss how best to institute procedures for consideration of the course proposals on a unit basis.
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