
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number IE/2/ATO/135
TitleJoint Working Party on the Structure of Initial Courses
DescriptionComprises minutes, agendas and appendices for meetings held October 1972 - April 1973. Includes information on admissions policies, the structure of the colleges' existing courses, discussions on the advantages and disadvantages of the unit structure, professional studies courses.
Also includes correspondence and papers relating to the work of the committee of Eric Earle (Institute Secretary)
Extent2 folders
AdminHistoryThe Academic Board set up the working party on the recommendation of the Committee of Principals. The joint working party was to consider the possible changes in course structure, bearing in mind some of the recommendations outlined in the James Report, and the possibility of a unit course system and of a three-year degree. They were to co-ordinate with the Joint Working Party on Curriculum Courses (IE/2/ATO/136) and the Joint Working Party on Assessment where neccessary. They were also asked to consider the recommendations of the working party on the reform of courses and structures IE/2/ATO/134.

The formal terms of reference for the working party were to investigate the establishment of a unit structure of combined educational and professional training taken either concurrently or consecutively as deemed appropriate. The committee was made up of representatives of the academic board and the committee of principals. Its work led to the establishment of the Committee on University Awards (IE/2/ATO/133)
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