
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number IE/2/ATO/149
TitleWorking Party on Higher Degrees / Committee on Higher Degrees
DescriptionCorrespondence and papers regarding meetings. Specifically:
Agenda, papers and notes 1 December 1977
Notes 19 May 1977
Action sheet 26 March 1976
Report and notes 27 January 1976
Extent4 folders
AdminHistoryAt its first meeting held on 4 June 1973 the Committee on University Awards (see IE/2/ATO/133) agreed that a working party should be established to "consider the academic content of higher degree and diploma in education proposals and the appropriate rationalisation of such courses". At its meeting held on 2 October 1974 the Academic Board agreed to discontinue the Committee on University Awards (in view of the establishment of the Joint Committee structure - see IE/2/JDC and IE/2/JCE) and to retain its three existing working parties one of which was the higher degree working party which would report to the Academic Board in future.
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