StorageSite | UCL Institute of Education |
AdminHistory | As part of their brief from the Committee on University Awards the Working Party on the Future of the Certificate in Education were asked to investigate the most appropriate means by which mature students without the normal entry qualifications may gain direct entry to the new degrees to be introduced in colleges of Education in 1975. The working party decided that suitable mature students whom a college wishes to admit might be sponsored by the Institute for consideration by the University's Special Entry Board but that, in the first instance, the Institute should assess the calibre of the mature students by a uniform procedure. Part of the Working Party's recommendations, which were accepted by the Academic Board at their meeting held 5 November 1974, was the establishment of a committee to consider and take decisions on the Institute's sponsorship to the University's Special Entry Board. It was agreed the new Committee should assume the functions of the Committee on Shortened Courses and Equivalent Entry Qualifications and the Committee on Special Entry. The Committee's terms of reference were to: consider and take decisions on applications ; make recommendations to the Academic Board, wither annually or as necessary, on any matters concerning minimum entry qualification; to make recommendations to the Academic Board regarding the procedures to consider special admissions; and to report annually to the Academic Board on the number of applications considered for sponsorship to the University Special Entrance Board and admission to shortened courses and the numbers approved and the performance of those completing the Certificate in Education after a shortened course. See IE/2/CTS |