
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number IE/2/ATO/4/5
TitleResearch / background papers 1966-1970
DescriptionPapers collated to understand this period of the work of the ATOs:
Post-graduate training - analysis of 1970 entry
Proposed response from the Association of Teachers in Colleges and Departments of Education to the Plowden Commitee
Department of Education and Science circular letter on Student / Staff ratios in Colleges of Education
Statement to James Commitee by the Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain
NUT statement on teacher representation on Area Training Organisations
Minutes of meetings held by the Colleges of Eduation Project Advisory Committee and the Working Party on Colleges of Education based at the University of London Institute of Education, Centre for the Student of Education Policies
Education of teachers and structure of the profession
'student participation in colleges of education' by R J Harvey
paper by the Association of Teachers in Colleges and Departments of Education on the BEd 1969, 1970
statement on the progress of the study of relationships between academic and professional studies in colleges of education by the the University of London Institute of Education department of higher education
Headmasters' Association and the Headmaster's Conference Our Schools and the preparation of teachers - the postgraduate
UCET - the future of colleges 1970
Extent1 folder
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