
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number IE/2/ATP/2
TitleWorking Party on Teaching Practice
DescriptionGeneral papers including the report of the Working Party 25 May 1959; and agenda and notes of the meeting held 20 January 1961; 30 May 1961; and September 1964 - February 1965. There are no papers for 1962 and 1963.
Extent1 folder
AdminHistoryAlongside the Sub-committee on Teaching Practice (see IE/2/ATP/1) a Working Party on Teaching Practice was established in 1959 by the Joint meeting of the Committee of Principals and the Conference of Local Education Authorities to consider the whole problem of the teaching practice and facilities within the Area of the Institute, particularly in light of the forthcoming expansion of the colleges. They were asked to consider in particular the principals on which schools might be used for teaching practice, the best method of allocating schools to colleges, and the question of schools that were currently not being used in certain areas.

As part of its report the working party recommended the Institute should set up a co-ordinating procedure to facilitate a balanced use of the teaching practice places available within in the Area Training Organisation.
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