
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number IE/2/JPR/4
TitleJoint Professional Committee, Minutes and accompanying papers 24 January 1979
Date24 January 1979
DescriptionDiscussion includes report of the Working Group on the BEd Degree; students who do not complete the requirements for the award of the BEd Degree with honours - implications for qualified teacher status; induction year for teachers; assessment of teaching practice; entry to initial teacher training courses in England and Wales - DES circular 8/79; language and mathematics in professional studies; 'Report of the Committee of Enquiry into the Education of Handicapped Children and Young People [young people with disabilities]' (the Warnock Report); pass rate for teaching practice and professional studies; rationalisation of professional studies course units; panels for professional studies in first and middle years of schooling; DES circular 11/78 - medical fitness of teachers and of entrants to teacher training; aergrotat provisiona; and procedures for recommending suitability for the teaching profession.
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