
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number IE/2/TEC/1
TitleTeacher Education Advisory Committee, Initial Training Sub Committee 1977-1982
DescriptionComprises minutes of the first to fifteenth meeting of the committee held between December 1977 and 10 November 1982 (missing notes of the fourteenth meeting). It appears to have mainly discussed the rationalisation of intitial teacher training provision, shortage subjects, new courses and amendments to courses, teaching of mathematics, falling student rolls, overprovision and underprovision of courses in certain subjects / balance of provision betwen phases and subjects, special educational needs, and new teachers in school
Comment from the committee on the report by the ACSTT working party on the BEd degree
Statistical information on student enrolments for 1982 (PGCE)
Extent1 folder
AdminHistoryMembership comprised representative from the Institute, teacher education institutions, maintaining authorities, teachers, and voluntary providing bodies. representatives from the Inner London Education Authority and the Department for Education and Science were in attendance. There is no record of the formal terms of reference, but it is assumed the committee was established to discuss initial teacher training in London and the South East in the interim period after the formal abolition of the Area Training Organisation, but before the new policy had been put into place.
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