
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number IE/2/TTE/D/3
TitleWorking party 2: Correspondence and administrative papers 'Additional papers'
DescriptionFile of the Institute Secretary, Eric Earle relating in particular to the various questionnaires distributed by Working Party 2 and including: background papers concerning questionnaires to schools used by graduate students on teaching practice (as in D/5), such as correspondence with schools, local education authorities, colleges and teachers' organisations and lists of schools to which the questionaire was sent; some responses from individual colleges to a questionnaire concerning one-year graduate teacher training courses giving factual information about courses and answer a number of questions [based on the answers to student questionnaires (as in D/4) and school practice supervisors as in D/5]; correspondence re student questionnaires (as in D/4).
Extent1 folder
Related MaterialSee also D/4 and D/5.
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