
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number IE/FC/1/1
Title'Institute post-war needs and plans'
'Report on Financial Needs:
- A: War-time period
- B: Provision for activities in the years immediately following the war'
Another version of 'B: Provision for activities in the years immediately following the war'
Correspondence with Dr W R Halliday, 1942, concerning the above report and the University's response to it.
Letter from M Webb, Secretary to the University Senate, 1942, giving 'Revised Estimates for 1941-42 and First Estimates for 1942-43', with Clarke's response.
Correspondence with Professor FA Cavenagh and Professor EB Jeffery (UCL) regarding the report on the Institute's needs, 1942-1943.
Version of the report on financial needs (above) presented to the University Delegacy, 1942.
Correspondence with H Claughton, Acting Principal, 1943, about the work of the Institute, including a report entitled 'Post-War facilities for the Study of Education: some notes by the Director on the essential professorships'.
Letter to M Webb, March 1943, enclosing another version of 'B: Provision for activities in the years immediately following the war'.
Correspondence with Sir Walter Moberly (UGC) regarding post-war plans, 1943.
Another version of 'B: Provision for activities in the years immediately following the war' and 'Post-War facilities for the Study of Education: some notes by the Director on the essential professorships'.
Published version of Report B.
Copies of letters from the UGC requesting information on post-war needs, 1943.
Extent1 file
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