
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number IE/TPN/7/1
TitleColonial Office 1926-1928
DescriptionComprises correspondence and papers regarding the development of courses to train individuals who were to work in the field of education in British colonies in Africa. The work was undertaken in conjunction with the Colonial Office. In 1933 the Colonial Department was established at the College (since 1932 - the Institute of Education). The majority of the file covers the discussions on the development of such courses. Further specific subjects include:
Work of the Advisory Committee on Education in the Colonies
Courses for students who were to take up educational posts in 'tropical Africa' including some student lists and descriptions of the course
Probationary training for cadets in the Sudan Political Service (to be undertaken before they went to Sudan)
Demand for such courses
Course finance
Teaching of biology and hygiene
Decision for the courses to be run in London

Also includes:
Paper: 'Human nature, actual and potential' by Dr Hugh Hartshorne of the Teachers' College New Your City (on religious education)
'Education of Girls - Uganda' notes by Miss Whitelaw in answer to a letter from Mr Hussey, Director of Education in Uganda
'Report on education in Tanganyika, Uganda and Kenya' by Miss A W Whitelaw for the advisory committee on native education in tropical Africa

The records of the Colonial Department (and successors) are catalogued at IE/COL.
Extent1 folder
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