
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number IE/TPN/7/3
TitleColonial Office 1931-1935
DescriptionCorrespondence regarding the work of the newly created Colonial Department at the LDTC/IOE. Subjects include: staffing, visit to French West Africa by W B Mumford, organisation of the Colonial Department and the Overseas Division and relations between the two, courses in anthropology for educational officers (with a memorandum from J Coatman to William Beveridge), students on the courses, organisation of the course

Also includes:
Programme for a performance of African dance
Report on the need to reorganise the Colonial Department after the retirement of James Fairgrieve
Proposed content of a course on the history of African education

In 1932 the London Day Training College transferred wholly to the University of London and was renamed Institute of Education.
Extent1 folder
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