StorageSite | UCL Institute of Education |
Description | Large file of articles on school furniture:
1)'Data: Furniture', notes on furniture, n.d. 2) An informal talk to the Council of the British Educational Furniture Manufacturers, 29 October 1976. 3) A list of slides for a Czechoslovak Scientific and Technical Society talk on 'School Furniture: Some Experience in England', September 1986. 4) 4 drawings of standing heights for under fives, 20 April 1980. 5) 'Adoption of BS 5873 and ISO 5970: Functional Dimensions of School Furniture', April 1980. 6) 'Adoption of BS 5873 and ISO 5970: Functional Dimensions of School Furniture', April 1980 - the same as above but with several leaves of diagrams. 7) Newspaper cutting, 'Furniture and Equipment Review', The Times Educational Supplement', 23 May 1975. 8) Czechoslovak Scientific and Technical Society talk on 'School Furniture: Some Experience in England', September 1986 (typed notes). 9) Czechoslovak Scientific and Technical Society talk on 'School Furniture: Some Experience in England', September 1986 (handwritten version). 10) Lecture to the Design and Industries Association, Birmingham region, on 'Furniture Design for Education Today', 3 November 1971. 11) Notes on analyzing needs, n.d. 12) ANIC Conference on 'School Furniture', Milan, 11 September 1975 - paper and slides for lecture on 'Some Experiences from the UK'. 13) Page of handwritten notes on school furniture 'designers position', n.d. 14) Report on school furniture including sections on 'the need for initiative', 'analysing the need' and 'the design discipline', by David Medd, September 1973. 15) Paper for Technodidattica, Turin, on 'The Design and Supply of a Modern School Furniture Range', 2 November 1980. 16) ANIC Conference on 'School Furniture', Milan, 11-13 September 1975, article on 'Some Experiences from the UK' to be published in 'Arredo Scuola '75'. 4 July 1975. 16a) ANIC Conference on 'School Furniture', Milan, 11-13 September 1975, brief summary of 'Some Experiences from the UK'. 22 August 1975. 17) Technodidattica, Turin, 16 June 1977. Report on 'The Influence of Education on the Design of School Furniture', 28 August, 1976. 18) Article on school furniture for 'Education', April 1980, assessing the current difficulties and opportunities. 19) Duplicate of number 18, published on 27 June 1980. 20) Notes to Andrew Saint beginning 'The furniture range has always been on 2 wavelengths…', 23 January 1986. 21) Paper for Technodidattica 80, Turin, 25 October-2 November 1980 on 'The Design and Supply of a Model School Furniture Range'. Includes various drawings and text to accompany slides. The programme for the event is attached to the front. Written in August 1980. 22) Duplicate of number 22, minus drawings. 23) Paper for Technodidattica 76, Turin, 28 September 1976 on 'The Influence of Education on the Design of School Furniture'. 24) An 'Architects' Journal Information Library' technical study on primary schools, entitled 'Evolution of the Primary School: Collaboration at Manchester', 9 August 1987. 25) Letter from David Medd to Mrs J Ward of the Department of Ergonomics at Loughborough College of Engineering regarding FIRA work. 26) Countries Furniture Design Group Newsletter 7, October 1972. This contains a carbon copy of a typescript of an article by David Medd which appears in this issue and is entitled 'Now and Then'. The issue also contains a letter from David Medd. 26a) 'New Ideas on School Furniture', an occasional paper for the Educational Division of the Commonwealth Secretariat, Marlborough House, Pall Mall, London SW1, on 'New Ideas on School Furniture', by David Medd. 27) Notes for Jack Pritchard on his article 'Bauhaus and its Influence - did it cope?', June 1971. Also included is a draft of a letter to Jack Pritchard and acknowledgements. 28) Photocopy of the Bauhaus article described in number 27. 29) Brief notes on school furniture in relation to recent commercial developments, July 1970. 30) Paper entitled 'School Furniture - the Guiding Principles' covering the starting points of design, flexibility, designing for trends and the position of the designer and industry, and, the four conditions to satisfy. 23 January 1968. 31) Paper for the DIA Conference, Lisbon, 6 October 1972, entitled 'Where We Live and Where We Learn: Design for Needs or Wants - the Example of Education'. 32) An 'Architects' Journal Information Library' technical study on spaces, fixtures and educational building, entitled 'Furniture for Primary Schools: New Collaboration in Design and Supply', 26 October 1966. 33) A duplicate of number 32. 34) An 'Architects' Journal Information Library' technical study on spaces, fixtures and educational building, entitled 'The 3.5 to 9 Age Groups: A New Approach to Primary School Design', 17 February 1965. 35) 'The Architects' Journal', 12 January 1956, technical section on furniture and fittings and the British standard specification for school furniture (2nd article). 36) 'The Architects' Journal', 3 November 1955, technical section on furniture and fittings and the British standard specification for school furniture (1st article). 37) Article for the 'Education Times of Dublin' on 'The Design of School Furniture - Some English Experience', by David Medd, published as number 38 but written in July 1975. 38) Article on 'School Furniture: Knowing What to Design and How to Make It', by David Medd, published in 'The Education Times', 21 August 1975. |