StorageSite | UCL Institute of Education |
Description | Collection of correspondence and lecture notes relating to general lectures and publications:
Papers and correspondence from the publishers Reference International, regarding David and Mary Medd's contribution to the 'Encyclopedia of Innovation in Architecture' on 'Schools', Dec 1977 Correspondence, notes and details regarding a Hungarian Training Programme, 16 Feb-13 Mar 1976, for which David Medd gave a talk on 'Trends in Education and School Design in Britain' Correspondence, notes and a programme for the European Council of International Schools (ECIS) Conference, held in Amsterdam, 12-15 Nov 1976, at which David and Mary Medd took a 'Workshop Using Models to Study Re-furnishing of School Spaces' Notes and correspondence regarding a 'Children's Literature Around the World Programme' organized by the University of California Extension and held in London, summer 1976, at which David and Mary Medd showed their films and talked about primary schools Notes, correspondence and details of a University College London School of Environmental Studies course in 'School Building Design and Development' held at the Commonwealth Institute, 8-15 Apr 1976, at which David Medd spoke on 'Designing for Education in the UK' Notes, correspondence and a programme for a Commonwealth Institute course in 'Educational Planning Including School Building Design and Development with Special Reference to Low Income Countries', 1-11 Apr 1975, at which David Medd spoke on 'Designing for Education in the UK' and led a discussion and film showing about Delf Hill Middle School Notes for a talk given by David Medd to Danish representatives from Aarhus, 14 Aug 1967 Notes and programme for a Bouwcentrum School Building Development Study Group visit to England, 7-11 Oct 1963, for which David Medd talked about 'The Work of the Development Group' and both David and Mary Medd (billed as Crowley) talked about development projects at Finmere and Amersham primary schools (the visit also included visits to these schools) - also included are notes by the representative of Britain on the Commonwealth Education Liaison Committee 'Low Cost School Buildings' report, Sep 1963 Notes for delegations from Japan, Finland and Istanbul on 'Trends in Education and School Design' written by David Medd, Sep 1973 Notes, correspondence and 'Programme of Arrangements Made by the Central Office of Information on Behalf of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office for Mme. P Floriet and Members of 'Peuple et Culture'' for a study visit to London, 16-23 May, for which David Medd gave an illustrated talk with slides on the latest developments in school education in England Notes and programme for the visit of M Leagrand, Director of Educational Building, French Ministry of Education, 29 Nov-1 Dec 1971, for which David Medd spoke on 'Developments in Primary School Design' Correspondence and programme for the visit of the 'Cercle d'Etudes Architecturales', 2-5 Jul 1963, for which David Medd and L F Gibbon talked on 'Educational Needs and Planning in the United Kingdom' Notes for a talk given by David Medd on 'School Building' to French delegates from Mission d'Etude Technique, 6 May 1963, with a list of delegates Notes for a talk given by David Medd on 'School Building in the United Kingdom' to Italian delegates, 2 Dec 1960 Letter and programme for a Nottinghamshire County Council Education Department summer school on 'Learning Through Resources', 26-28 Jul 1976, at which David Medd talked on 'Buildings as a Resource' Correspondence and notes regarding a University of Manchester School of Architecture visiting seminar on 'Schools in London', Jan 1976, for which David Medd gave an introductory session on current attitudes and trends in school design Correspondence and notes regarding a talk given by David and Mary Medd on primary schools, Apr 1965, at a Salop County Council Architects' Department Furniture Meeting Programme and notes for The Illuminating Engineering Society 'Conference on Appraisal in Lighting Design', held at Nottingham University, 25-27 Mar 1965, at which David Medd was a delegate Correspondence regarding a revised version of a contribution made by David Medd to the discussion at the Illuminated Engineering Society, 12 Jan 1965, with an article on 'Glare in Lighting' by H F Stephenson, Feb 1965; an extract on 'A Luminance Basis for Lighting Code', The Architects' Journal, 17 Feb 1965; and, notes of a lecture on 'Lighting Design in Schools Today' given to the IES by John Kay, 12 Apr 1967 |