
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number ME/M/4/5
TitleGeneral Lectures and Correspondence
DescriptionCollection of correspondence and lecture notes relating to general lectures:

Correspondence relating to an Architectural Association (AA)/EBC course, which it appears David Medd was unable to sit on the jury for, accompanied by a slide list for a talk at UCL (8 Apr 1976) and an events list for the Autumn Term of the Architectural Association School of Architecture (2 Dec 1977)
Correspondence, notes and a programme for an Ministry of Education course on 'School Meals Planning and Practice' held in London, 2-6 Jul 1956, at which David Medd gave a talk on 'School Dining-Room Furniture'
Notes for a talk to the Institutional Management Association, given by David Medd on 'School Dining Rooms', 10 Nov 1951 with a copy of a draft article on 'School Dining Room Furniture', Nov 1955
Notes and correspondence for a talk on 'General Trends in School Design' given to UCL School of Environmental Studies, 7 Jan 1975
Notes, correspondence and a programme for a University of Leicester School of Education course on 'School Organisation and Management - Part II', spring term 1975, for which David Medd talked on 'The Organisational Constraints Imposed by School Design and Furnishings'
Notes, correspondence and a programme for a Symposium on 'Buildings and the User' held at the National Federation of Building Trades Employers Conference Centre, 30 Oct 1975, at which David Medd outlined a case study on 'An Attitude to the Design of Schools'
Notes and slide list for a talk given by David Medd, on 'The Quality of School Building', at Bishop's Grosseteste College, Lincoln, 18 Nov 1975
Correspondence, notes and an outline for a Cambridge University Department of Architecture course on 'Special Building Types', 22 Nov-2 Dec 1978, at which David Medd spoke on 'The School and its Response to Developing Educational Theory'
Notes and correspondence for a talk on 'School Design' given by David Medd to Durham Architectural Department, 11 Nov 1974
Correspondence and notes for a day conference for teachers on 'School Building Design', held by the University of Oxford Department of Educational Studies, 19 Jun 1975, at which David Medd gave a talk on school building
Notes, correspondence and a programme for a conference on 'School Building Design and Development' organized by the Commonwealth Institute in conjunction with the Planning Unit of the School of Environmental Studies at UCL, 5-10 Apr 1974, at which David Medd gave a talk on 'The Principles of Primary Education and Changes in Design that were Embodied in the Plowden Report'
Notes, correspondence and a programme for a series of lectures on 'Education: A Fresh Look' held at the Hume Tower, Edinburgh, Jan/Feb 1974, one of which David and Mary Medd gave on 'Schools for Children'
Correspondence, notes and a programme for a Birmingham Association of the National Union of Teachers Easter course on 'The Changing Curriculum' held at St Martin's College, Lancaster, 14-19 Apr 1973, at which David Medd lectured on 'Purpose-built Schools'
Correspondence, notes and a programme for a 'Seminar on Problems of Innovation in Education' held at the Centre for Educational Development, London, 12-30 Mar 1973, at which David Medd spoke on 'School Building Design in Response to Educational Change'
Correspondence, notes and a programme for a half yearly meeting of the Central Council of Advisers in Audio-Visual Education held at the National Audio-Visual Aids Centre, 15-16 Feb 1973, at which David Medd gave a talk on 'New School Buildings'
Correspondence, notes and a programme for a Lancashire Education Committee conference held at The Grammar School for Boys, Urmston, 9 Feb 1973, at which David Medd gave a talk on 'Building Design'
Notes and programme for an Institute of Education course on 'Current Issues in Primary and Secondary Education' held in London, 24 Jul-1 Aug 1972, at which David and Mary Medd lectured on 'School Buildings'
Notes, correspondence and a programme for a Herts County Teachers' Association 'Educational Conference' held at St John's College, Cambridge, 30 Jun-2 Jul 1972, at which David Medd spoke on 'Trends in School Design'
Thank you letter and notes regarding a talk given by David Medd to students of St John's College, York, 9 Feb 1972
Correspondence, notes and a programme for a University of Edinburgh Department of Education 'Seminar on Education', 16 Oct 1970, at which David Medd spoke on 'School Design: The Architect's Role'
Correspondence and notes regarding a talk given by David Medd on 'New Education - New Designs' to the North West London Society of Architects, 2 Nov 1970
Notes for a talk given by David Medd on general school design, to the National Association of Head Teachers Yorkshire Federation, 24 Jan 1972
Notes for a talk given by David Medd on 'Designing for New Ways of Teaching', at St John's College, York, 21 Jan 1970
Correspondence, notes and a programme for a King's Fund Hospital Centre and National Council for Educational Technology conference on 'New Ways Towards Learning', Nov/Dec 1969, at which David Medd gave a talk on 'New Schools for New Education'
Paper written by David Medd on 'Attitudes and Trends in School Design' which formed the basis for a talk to the Association of Organiser of School Meals in Scotland', 2 May 1969, with correspondence
Paper written by David Medd on 'Attitudes and Trends in School Design, and Implications for the School Meals Service' which formed the basis for a talk to the Association of Organiser of School Meals in Scotland', 20 Apr 1968
Copy of a lecture on 'People in Schools' given by David Medd as part of a York Institute of Advanced Architectural Studies' conference on 'Industrialisation and Building, 5 Apr 1968
Correspondence, notes and a programme for a Bristol Authority and Redland College Primary Schools and Co-operative Teaching conference, 22-23 Mar 1968, at which David and Mary Medd gave a talk on 'Teacher Consultation in School Design'
Letter and notes for a talk on 'School Design' given by David Medd at the Chester Teachers' Centre Opening, 5 Dec 1967 - also includes a Schools Council working paper on 'Curriculum Development: Teachers' Groups and Centres'
Notes and information for a project on a Primary School at Corbridge, set as part of a University of Newcastle School of Architecture third year course - presumably David Medd talked to the students in conjunction with this, 10 Oct 1967
Notes for a talk on 'Disciplines in School Building' given by David Medd at Hull School of Architecture, 5 Oct 1967
Correspondence, notes and a programme for a Regional Conference and Exhibition on 'The School of the Future' held at The Technical College, Sunderland, 30 Jun-1 Jul 1967, at which David Medd spoke on 'The School of the Future: Architecture and Design'
Correspondence, notes and a programme for a Magee University College (in association with the North-West Architectural Association) conference on 'The Architecture of Schools', 6 May 1967, at which David Medd lectured on 'Collaboration in School Design'
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