
StorageSiteUCL Special Collections
Reference Number MS DEEDS
TitleManuscript Deeds
Date13th Century - 19th Century
DescriptionManuscript deeds of varying dates in a range of languages. Some are fragments or have been cut into several pieces, particularly those in French, Spanish, Italian and German.
Extentc26 boxes
CustodialHistoryThe collection of English deeds, MS DEEDS ANGLO, was probably donated by Sir Hilary Jenkinson and used as a teaching collection for the archive studies course at UCL.
The provenance of the Latin deeds, MS LAT, is unclear but at least one was presented by Sir Flinders Petrie.
The remaining deeds in other languages (French, German and Spanish, and some in Latin of Spanish and French origin and one additional English deed) were found in 2014 boxed with the collection of MS fragments (see MS FRAG), but the provenance of these deeds is unknown.
AccessConditionsThe papers are available subject to the usual conditions of access to Archives and Manuscripts material, after the completion of a Reader's Undertaking.
FindingAidsDraft handlist of the uncatalogued deeds is available on request. This CALM catalogue represents the final version for the Latin and English deeds.
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