
StorageSiteUCL Special Collections
Reference Number MS PHILL/54
TitleSwiss Government and Other Texts
Date18th century
DescriptionManuscript volume, 18th century, containing 13 texts, undated unless otherwise specified, on various subjects including Swiss government. The contents comprise:

(1) Historische Erzehlung Und Betrachtung Uber Berns Burgerrecht mit der dem Bischof von Basel angehrigen Neuenstadt A[nn]o 1388 eingegangen ... Aus anlass dess dermal vorwaltenden Missverstandnisses abgefasst 1757 (27 + 7 blank leaves)
(2) Acte De Combourgeoisie Entre La Ville De Soleure et celle du Landeron 1449 (2 leaves)
(3) Remarques sur les Combourgeoisies et en Partie sur celle de Berne avec la Neuveville, en particulier (8 + 2 blank leaves)
(4) Copie de la Lettre des Cinq Corps de L'Etat de Neufchatel a L.L.E.E. de Berne du 18 Fev. et de celle du Roi de Prusse au Conseil d'Etat du 28 janvier le tout de 1761 sur l'affaire de Sr. Petitpierre (1761 (?), 10 leaves)
(5) Verglichspuncten Negen Schwarzenburg Wie Solche Auf der Murtnerischen Conferenz 1759 projectirt worden (8 leaves)
(6) Rede Von Herrn Bibliothekar Engel 23 Jan 1758 vor Rath und Burger gehalten, den angetragenen Richter in den Neuenstadten Angelegenheiten betreffend (1758, 20 leaves)
(7) Remarques sur le Memoire qui a pour Devise Post Tenebras Lucem (6 leaves)
(8) Vorlesungen Uber Schweizergeschichte (10 + 12 blank leaves)
(9) Extraits des Reflexions Politiques sur le Commerce et les finances de l'ouvrage de Dudot (6 leaves)
(10) Etat Uber Die In Oberen Registrateur Gwolb Ligende Gultbriffen (1734, 5 + 3 blank leaves)
(11) Problema Ob Nicht Nothig Dem Ferneren Abnehmen Der Regimentsfahigen Geschlechter... durch eine bescheidene Annahme neuer Burger zu begegnen sei ... (30 leaves)
(12) Freymutige Gedanken Uber Die Entvolkerung Unserer Vatterstatt (16 leaves)
(13) Remarques sur les Opuscules de Catherinot (13 leaves).
Extent1 volume containing 185 leaves
CustodialHistoryThe manuscript belonged to Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872), baronet, an antiquary and bibliophile whose collection included c60,000 manuscripts of various kinds, some relating to the administration of Swiss towns. Various manuscripts were sold after Sir Thomas's death, some to the German government, and were dispersed to several libraries. Formerly (1) Phillipps MS 3441a and Engel MS; (2) Phillipps MS 3441c; (3) Phillipps MS 3441d;(4) Phillipps MS 3439; (5) Phillipps MS 3435 and Engel MS; (6) Phillipps MS 3427 and Engel MS; (7) Phillipps MS 3481 and Engel MS; (8) Phillipps MS 3470; (9) Phillipps MS 3478; (10) Phillipps MS 3407; (11) Phillipps MS 3418; (12) Phillipps MS 3419; (13) Phillipps MS 3482.
AcquisitionThe Phillipps Manuscripts at University College London were given to the College by the German government in 1912.
AccessConditionsThe papers are available subject to the usual conditions of access to Archives and Manuscripts material, after the completion of a Reader's Undertaking.
Related MaterialFor no 7, cf 'Remarque sur le mmoire, qui a pour devise Post tenebras lucem', also at University College London Special Collections (Ref: MS PHILL 49/2).
FindingAidsDorothy K Coveney, 'A Descriptive Catalogue of Manuscripts in the Library of University College London' (London, 1935); handlist at University College London Special Collections.
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