Description | <p>Letters to Pearson dated 1902-1906 regarding mathematic methods used in biometrics; a proposed trip to England; his research in Germany; variability in measurements of Brachiopod Platystrophia; requesting Pearson's help with binomial distribution; Blanchard's data on changes of sex; fitting curves to inheritance correlations; discussing the "purity of the germ", and the debate between Galtonism and Mendalism; hybridism; his research into the correlation between under and upper wing length within a single species of insect, and within a genus as a whole; and regarding the death of Walter Frank Raphael Weldon.</p> <p>Letters dated 1915 regarding the impact of the First World War upon scientific research; growth and variability; and the possibility of raising funding from Dr Crampton. Letter dated 1924 enclosing a table of champion trotters, showing reduction of the [trotting] records from 1845 to 1890.</p> |