Description | Papers re inter-war Romania, particularly on the National Peasant Party and Iuliu Maniu, including:
"Address of the Chamber of Deputies in answer to the King's message at the opening of Parliament" (Dec 1919) "The programme of the new Romanian Government: the expose of the Prime Minister Vaida Voevod", by an unidentified author [1919] Telegram from Romanian Foreign Ministry re Hungarian propaganda (Jan 1923) "Post-War Rumania", edition of 'Foreign Policy Association: information service' (Feb 1928) "Le budget Roumain de 1928", pamphlet (Dec 1927) "Le programme du Parti National-Paysan Roumain" "Notes sur la situation politique en Roumanie apres la mort du Roi Ferdinand 1er" "La motion: votee par les representants du peuple Roumain assembls a Alba Julia" (May 1928) "Pourquoi Alba-Iulia?", from 'Dreptatea' (April 1928) "Les derniers vnments politiques en Roumanie", motion passed by National Peasant Party (March 1928) "Manifeste au pays du Parti National-Paysan", by Jules Maniu "Discours de M. Jules Maniu", address given at Iassy (Jan 1928) Speech by Iuliu Maniu to delegation of students (Dec 1933) "Declarations de Monsieur Juliu Maniu" (July 1938) |