
StorageSiteUCL SSEES
Reference Number SEW/11/2/1
TitlePapers re Inter-War Romania
DescriptionPapers re inter-war Romania, particularly on the National Peasant Party and Iuliu Maniu, including:

"Address of the Chamber of Deputies in answer to the King's message at the opening of Parliament" (Dec 1919)
"The programme of the new Romanian Government: the expose of the Prime Minister Vaida Voevod", by an unidentified author [1919]
Telegram from Romanian Foreign Ministry re Hungarian propaganda (Jan 1923)
"Post-War Rumania", edition of 'Foreign Policy Association: information service' (Feb 1928)
"Le budget Roumain de 1928", pamphlet (Dec 1927)
"Le programme du Parti National-Paysan Roumain"
"Notes sur la situation politique en Roumanie apres la mort du Roi Ferdinand 1er"
"La motion: votee par les representants du peuple Roumain assembls a Alba Julia" (May 1928)
"Pourquoi Alba-Iulia?", from 'Dreptatea' (April 1928)
"Les derniers vnments politiques en Roumanie", motion passed by National Peasant Party (March 1928)
"Manifeste au pays du Parti National-Paysan", by Jules Maniu
"Discours de M. Jules Maniu", address given at Iassy (Jan 1928)
Speech by Iuliu Maniu to delegation of students (Dec 1933)
"Declarations de Monsieur Juliu Maniu" (July 1938)
Extent1 folder
AccessConditionsThe papers are available subject to the usual conditions of access to Archives and Manuscripts material, after the completion of a Reader's Undertaking.
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