
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number STO/5/47
DescriptionMainly letters requesting sponsorship. Including:
Letter from Leila Berg regarding the STOPP 'birthday party' (1987) and letter of congratulation on the Education Bill of 1986 that banned the use of corporal punishment in schools; Letter of thanks to Brian Simon for his donation of £100;
Press cuttings;
Letters to various MPs requesting they become sponsors of the campaign;
Correspondence with Winifred Ewing MEP, regarding her becoming a sponsor;
Correspondence with Stephen Sedley regarding his position within, and as an advisor to, STOPP;
Letter to Boy George;
Correspondence with Tom Beaumont regarding the 'opt out' bill;
Correspondence with David Alton MP, Dafydd Elis Thomas MP, Neil Kinnock MP, John Wheeler MP, Robert Key MP and Shirley Williams MP confirming their sponsorship;
Correspondence with Lord Carr, Robert Key, Reverend the Lord Soper;
Letter to the Times regarding the Campbell and Cosan's case and invitations to ask various people and STOPP sponsors to sign it.
STOPP press releases.
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