Description | Material regarding Hastings Russell, the 12th Duke of Bedford, and his relationship with the Trades Advisory Council (TAC). Although the Duke challenged the assertion that he was an antisemite or a fascist, in these papers he does make some derogatory remarks about Jewish people. He also writes some favourable things about Hitler, and had connections with Oswald Mosley. Nevertheless, in these papers the TAC felt they had productive relations with him, and that they had influenced his point of view to look more favourably on Jewish people, and less favourably toward fascists such as Mosley.
This file contains:
- correspondence between Robert Lyons of the TAC, and the Duke; - notes of a meeting between Lyons and the Duke; - press cuttings and circulars regarding the Duke’s involvement with the British People’s Party; - published pamphlets by the Duke on subjects such as monetary reform, socialism, taxation, the national debt, the mining industry, and war. |