
StorageSiteUCL Special Collections
Reference Number UCLCA/4/1/13/1/1
TitleThorold Dickinson
DescriptionCorrespondence and other papers from Dickinson's tenure at the Slade Film studies Department.
Extent18 folders
AdminHistoryThorold Dickinson (1903-1984), a British film director, screenwriter and producer, established the Film Studies department at the Slade School of Fine Art in 1960. He was appointed a Professor in the department in 1967, becoming the first Professor of Film Studies in the UK. He served in the post until 1971 and was awarded a CBE in 1973.
AccessStatusCertain restrictions apply
AccessConditionsMost papers are available subject to the usual conditions of access to Archives and Manuscripts material, after the completion of a Reader's Undertaking. See individual file entries for any restrictions.
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