StorageSite | UCL Institute of Education |
Level | Item |
Reference Number | UWT/A/2/10 |
Title | [NUWT Central Council Minute Books - May 1938-Dec 1941] |
Date | May 1938 - Dec 1941 |
Description | NUWT Central Council minute books from 1938 - 1941. Indexed
Members present at the meetings (not all members were present at each meeting): Misses: A.Teece Burls Dedman Allison Griffin Kenyon Aickman Appleby Fearnside Fisher Mannion Turton Wainwright Willis Winchester Young Pearson Mrs.McMillan Begbie Walmesley Mrs.Key Hamlyn Mrs.Wood BLunt Mrs.Lewis Mrs.Schofield Coates Mrs. Ward Mrs.Lewis
Subject areas covered in the minute books include:
Employment of Married Women British Association for Labour Legislation The Central Council of Recreative Physical Training Spinsters' Pensions Enquiry Pensions for Unmarried Women Gateshead Dispute 1922 St.Joan's Social and Political Alliance Food and Freedom for Spain Air Raid Precautions Evidence of the Committee on Pensions for Unmarried Women Central Council Representatives on Boards of Management Central Council Representatives to County Associations Employment of Married Women in the Civil Service Auxiliary Territorial Service Status of Women Advertisement in the "Times Educational Supplement" Students Membership Form Uncertificated And Supplementary Teachers Nationality of Married Women Supervision of School Meals Uncertificate Teachers payment from the pool Memorandum on "the backward child" Air Raid Shelters in Schools Food Rations for Adolescents Soroptimist Clubs Removal of Children from unsuitable Reception Areas To Consider the Question of a War Bonus to Meet the Increased Cost of Living Re Board of Education "Rules for Special Payments and Allowances for Teacher and Other Transferred Staff" Allowances to Married Women Teachers Walfare of Children and teachers duties in war-time Travelling Allowances Employment of Children in Agriculture and Industry Compensation for War Injuries Board of Education Memorandum on Post-war Education Medical Inspection of School Children Equal Pay Women and National Service Accidentos to Scholars Women in the Diplomatic and Consular Service Equal Compensation for War Injuries and Conscription of Women
Extent | 1 volume |
AccessStatus | Open |
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