
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number UWT/A/4/19
Title'Legal and Tenure Committee - correspondence'
Date1944 - 1956
DescriptionCorrespondence between NUWT members and the Legal and Tenure Committee regarding requests for advice and legal support on employment matters.
This covers:
Enquiries regarding eligibility for pensions and advice regarding claiming pensions
Request for help and advice regarding financial difficulties
Requests for advice regarding superannuation contributions
Part-time service whilst in receipt of pension
Continuing to work after the official age of retirement of 65
Reduction in the number of welfare assistants in Middlesex Authority schools
Wording of teacher's contracts
Appointments to Headships of junior mixed schools
Disputes between colleagues
Reorganisation, amalgamations and closure of schools
Voluntary duties of teachers
Problems with reports from HMI Inspectors
Case of liability for damage to property through use of non-school building as a school during evacuation
Earliest age of admission of children to school
Reduction in salary due to reduction in number of children on the roll
Supervision of school meals
Government Evacuation Scheme

Includes related press cuttings
Extent2 folders
AccessStatusRestricted access

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