
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number UWT/B/2/6
Title'Membership Campaign 1946'
Date1946 - 1947
DescriptionCorrespondence between NUWT Central Council and Branch Secretaries regarding a National Membership Campaign undertaken by the NUWT in 1946. The campaign involved two leafleting campaigns. The correspondence covers:
Notification of changes to the rules governing membership of the NUWT
Circular letter detailing how branches should go about the 'Special Membership Campaign' being undertaken from September to November of 1946
Circular letter sent by local NUWT branches to members asking for lists of all women teachers in their school and indicating what union they belong to, in order to target membership drives
Summary of statistics relating how many branches have ordered leaflets, how many new members have been recruited and how many of these new members joined as a result of the membership campaign
Details from NUWT branches on how they plan to implement the membership campaign
Minutes of the General Purposes and Organisation Committee which discuss the Membership Campaign
Requests from branches for more leaflets
News from members regarding the response of teacher training colleges to their requests for lists of new students

The membership campaign had two leafleting drives - the first in September when the schools started back, then another a month or two later. Leaflets were sent out in packs and included leaflets explaining about NUWT membership and what you got for your subscription, arguments for equal pay, arguments why you should join the NUWT over the National Union of Teachers
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