
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number UWT/B/4/5
Title'NUWT Branch Secretaries letters H (iv) 2'
Date1922 - 1930
DescriptionCircular letters, pamphlets and promotional material sent out by NUWT Headquarters to all branch secretaries.
Subjects covered in this include:
Notice of new NUWT literature
Peace and disarmament (prevention of war)
Equal opportunities for women teachers
Equal pay and salaries
Requests for information on the constitution and members of Local Education Committees
Arrangements for annual conferences
Night work conventions and the Factories Bill
Procedures and papers for NUWT voting for election of Central Council
Propaganda work, including equal pay campaign work and membership drives
Election campaign work - to determine views of candidates on equal pay and canvas for support for equal pay
Election address of the Equal Rights General Election Campaign Committee, 1929
Duties of teachers including school meal supervision
Reports of Government Education Bills and campaigns to instigate changes to these
Notice of conferences and events organised by the NUWT and by other organisations which Central Council think would interest branch members
Sex education (also called social and moral hygiene)
Requests for branches to send in their subscriptions, annual reports and other administrative organisation
Notices of NUWT enquiries and questionnaires into a variety of subjects including: rural education, educational standards
Nursery school education
Theodora Bonwick Memorial
Reorganisation and amalgamation
Organisation for mass meetings and demonstrations
Blood sports
Equal Franchise Victory Dinner
Educational films
Cinemas and screenings of films for children
Josephine Butler memorial
Equal franchise
Mutual Aid Fund
Earlier Optional Retirement
Various NUWT leaflets and handbills

Publications for other organisations including:
'Opportunity - the Organ of the Federation of Women Civil Servants', March 1930 - this was a special edition issued by the Federation Equal Pay Committee
'Equal Pay - the Federation of Women Civil Servants', 1929
Pamphlet advertising the fifth International Conference of the New Education Fellowship, 1929
Extent3 folders

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