Description | Publications, press cuttings and leaflets regarding equal pay.
This includes:
1. 'Equal Pay Campaign' internal letter for Branch secretaries regarding on organising meetings and sending letters to their Parliamentary candidate, NUWT, ND 2. Press cuttings from 'Yorkshire Evening News' (25/2/1921) and 'Reynold's Newspaper' (12/12/1920), early 1920s' 3. Press cuttings from 'Schoolmaster' (23/8/1919) 4. Press cuttings from 'Newcastle Evening Chronicle' (4/1/1929) and 'Buxton Herald' (3/1/1929) 5. Press cuttings from 'Western Gazette' 12/4/1928 6. Press cuttings from 'Times' (12/6/1919) and 'Scotsman' (19/6/1919) 7. Press cuttings from 'Glasgow Herald' (26/4/1919) 8. Press cuttings from 'Liverpool Daily Post & Mercury' (28/5/1921) 9. 'Unequal Pay as it Works Out in West Ham', NUWT, handbill, ND 10. A note regarding pay of student teachers in Bradford, Unknown, Nov 1925 11. Document listing the proportion of Women and Men teachers, NUWT, 1924 12. 'Relatively Superior Qualifications of Women Teachers', NUWT, report, 1924 13. 1928 Conference Resolution and Diary, NUWT, report, 1928 14. Open letter to women delegates to the NUT conference, NUWT, 1/4/1939 15. A copy of a letter 'Equal Pay Memorandum' sent to the London County Council, NUWT, 13/6/1935 16. Official Report on Parliamentary Debates of House of Commons, His Majesty's Stationery Office, 7/7/1935 17. Typical letter from conservative M.Ps with apologies for not being able to attend Union meeting, unknown, [1929] 18. Circular letter to Branches from Central Council regarding Equal Pay Campaign Meeting and Annual Conference, includes 2 example of circular letters to the secretary of the political parties prior the next General Election and to the Local Parliamentary Candidate, UNWT, ND 19. Scheme Submitted by Miss Burls regarding Equal Pay Scale by Miss Neal regarding equal salary, also includes scale III, unknown, ND 20. Legal Position, NUWT, leaflet, ND 21. Special Action in Certain Circumstances, NUWT, leaflet, ND 22. General Election 1929. Questionnaire, NUWT, leaflet, 1929 23. Joint Meeting of Women Voters to be Addressed by All Candidates, NUWT, leaflet, ND 24. Handwritten note on post card regarding NUWT meeting in Manchester held 2nd of December, NUWT, ND 25. 'Women Teachers, Do You Believe in Equal Pay', NUWT leaflet, c. 1921 - 1935 26. 'Salaries of Women Teachers', NUWT, leaflet, mid 1920s' 27. 'Salaries', NUWT, leaflet, mid 1920s' 28. 'Women Teachers Do you remember that... ', NUWT, leaflet, early 1930s' 29. 'Salary Policy', leaflet of resolution on salary cuts and equal pay, NUWT, Jul 1931 30. Memorial to the Chairman and Members of West Ham Education Committee, NUWT, ND 31. Memorial to the Chairman and Members of Glamorgan Education Committee, NUWT, Aug 1918 32. 'Equal Pay for Equal Work', memorial to members of the Education Committees of England and Wales, NUWT, Jul 1919 33. 'A Statement of the Case for Equal Pay for Equal Work' NUWT, leaflet, c. 1921 - 1935 34. 'Salaries', resolution of Union of Women Graduates of Durham University at a Council meeting of the North Eastern Division of Workers' Educational Association, Union of Graduate Women (UGW), internal communication letter, 1917 35. Resolution of NUWT regarding Education Bill raised during Mass Meeting of Women Teachers, NUWT, internal communication letter, ND 36. Statement of The Willesden Women Teacher's Association, with regard to 'Salary Question' issue and appeals to the Local Education Authority for arranging a conference, internal letter, ND 37. Internal letter regarding implementation of passed resolution in various Advisory Councils, unknown, internal letter, 1918 38. Part of the letter with disagreement with Paragraph 11 of the Report of the Departmental Committee in Otley and District Branch, NUWT, internal letter, ND 39. Two Resolutions concerning Burnham Committees' actions and to urge Prime Minister to state the policy on equal pay, NUWT, internal document, ND 40. Resolution passed by the Walthamstow Branch of the NFWT, internal letter, ND 41. Resolutions for Consideration by Societies Affiliated to the NUSEC. Proposed resolutions on equal pay and National Family Endowment, NUSEC, internal letter, early 1920s' 42. Statement related to Mass Meeting of Women Teachers, NUWT, letter, ND 43. 'The Pay of Women in the Civil Service. Some Facts and Government Position in Regards to Them', pamphlet issued by The Joint Committee on Women in the Civil Service (JCWCS), Sep 1935 44. 'Equal Pay for Men and Women in the Common Classes of the Civil Service. Points for Consideration', includes examples of relative pay of men and women in the Common Treasury Classes, marriage wastage and numbers of men and women in the common classes, JCWCS, leaflet, March 1936 45. 'Equal Pay: The Government's Defence Examined', arguments of some spokesmen during Parliamentary debates and comments to it from JCWCS, JCWCS, pamphlet, Jun 1936 46. 'Civil Service Equal Pay Conference', This report contains of issues was discussed in conference and three resolutions, unknown, 2/1/1934 47. 'Equal Pay for Equal Work in the Civil Services', draft leaflet, Civil Service Equal Pay Committee, early 1920s' 48. 'Family Allowance in the Teaching Profession', by M. E. Green, leaflet, The Family Endowment Society, ND 49. 'Equal Pay for Equal Work' New Voter's Election Campaign, National Society for Women's Services leaflet no.1, NSWS, early 1920s' 50. 'Married Women's Work' New Voters' Election Campaign, National Society for Women's Services leaflet no.2, NSWS, early 1920s' 51. 'Organisation' New Voters' Election Campaign, National Society for Women's Services leaflet no.3, NSWS, early 1920s' 52. General Election 1929. Election Address of the Equal Rights General Election Campaign Committee stating their programme on equal political status, economic rights, equal status for the married women, equal moral standards and equal rights in the League of Nations, statement issued by Equal Rights Committee, pamphlet 1929 53. 'Opportunity' The Organ the Federation of Women Civil Servants', Royal Commission special number, booklet, Mar 1930 54. 'The Problem of a Living Wage' by Geo W. Morris, page from newspaper 'The Post' 12/10/1928 55. Draft Equal Pay Convention. Second Conference of the Open Door International, leaflet, Jun 1930 56. The Open Door Council questionnaire to candidates, pamphlet, late 1920s' 57. 'Women (Conditions of Employment), Hansard vol. 229 no. 9, page 672, leaflet, 9/7/1929