
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number UWT/D/11/25
Title'Married Women's Association'
Date1938 - 1956
DescriptionCorrespondence between A. Muriel Pierotti and Florence Key (NUWT) and the Married Women's Association (MWA) regarding notices of Bills and proposals put forward by the MWA and requests for NUWT support for them. Issues covered include:
'Attachment of Wages Bill' to benefit deserted women and their children
'Equal Partnership Bill'
Equal Pay for Equal Work
NUWT Central Council report of the Annual Conference of the British commonwealth League at which Mrs Corbett-Ashby gave a speech on Sex Discrimination
NUWT representation at meetings and conferences organised by the MWA
Married Women's Property Act and cases of injustice under this act which the WMA are fighting for
Questionnaire from the WMA regarding population and what would encourage women to have more children in terms of rights and allowances
Petition calling for recognition of the wives share of family income and questions raised by the NUWT about some of the wording in the petition which stops them from supporting it
Status of the housewife
Report from Florence Key on attendance of an MWA conference - includes her opinions on the philosophies behind the MWA

Leaflets and handbills advertising meetings organised by the MWA
'The Pivot of Society', Juanita Frances, MWA publication
Extent1 folder

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