
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number UWT/D/11/9
Title'Married women teachers'
Date1920 - 1946
DescriptionCorrespondence and papers regarding married women teachers - their right to work and right to determine their own nationality upon marriage to a non-British citizen.
This covers discussion of:
Removal of ban on married women in the home Civil Service and NUWT calls for extension to Foreign and Colonial services
Arguments against the marriage bar
Removal of the marriage bar by London County Council
NUWT deputations and statements to local Education Committees to protest against the marriage bar
'The married women teacher', A. S. Byett, NUWT
Legal papers relating to the case of the dismissal of married women teachers in East Ham
Reports from meetings of the Nationality of Married Women - Pass the Bill Committee
Extent1 folder

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