
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number UWT/D/21/12
Title[London County Council and NUWT London Unit]
Date1917 - 1961
DescriptionCorrespondence between A. L. Ferrari (NUWT), the NUWT London Unit, Ethel Froud (NUWT General Secretary), London County Council (LCC) regarding various issues around education in London and teachers salaries.
This correspondence covers:
Peripatetic music teachers
Recommended reading lists for schools
Supply teachers
Influenza epidemic in London schools, 1919
Grants to teachers for courses of study
Filling of vacancies on school staffs and allocation of floating staff teachers
School journeys
Salaries and equal pay
Reorganisation and regrading of elementary schools
War bonus
The marriage bar
Ten years rule of LCC teachers promotions list
LCC Education Committee Teaching Staff Sub-Committee - table detailing modification to teachers scale of salaries
Use of unqualified teachers in infant schools
List of the Presidents of the London Unit of the NUWT from 1918 - 1943
Correspondence between Emily Phipps, Miss A. L. Ferrari and Mrs Stanbury regarding Mrs Stanbury's resignation as President of the London Unit of the NUWT
'The NAS and Equal Pay', National Association of Schoolmasters
First annual report of the London Unit of the NUWT, 1918
Sixteenth annual report 1932 - 1933 and seventh annual report 1933 - 1934

Also includes photographs (all b/w) listed below:
Demonstrations in Trafalgar Square and outside London County Hall, 1918, 10 photographs and 9 postcards (there is a duplicate of UWT/G/2/13, G/2/55). (Sylvia Pankhurst can be seen in one of these photographs)
'Merrie England faire', 1929, 3 photographs and 2 postcards of members of the NUWT dressed up and standing at stalls at a fair
'Shakespeare sale', 1927 - photograph of a group of people, all in period costume, standing round a stall
Celebration of Agnes Dawson's time as Deputy Chair of LCC and her 60th birthday, 1933, 2 photographs and explanatory letter
Portrait postcard of Rose Lamartine Yates
Equal franchise procession, June 1926, 3 photographs

The following photos are available digitally:
a. A large crowd of members of the London Unit outside County Hall, 1918.
b. Another view of the London Unit members outside County Hall, 1918.
c. 'Shakespeare sale' - photograph of a group of people, all in period costume, standing round a stall & decorated tree, Nov 1927.
d. 'Merrie England faire', members of the NUWT, in costume, standing around a decorated stall at the faire, 1929.
e. 'Merrie England faire', members of the NUWT, in costume, standing around a boy locked in a set of stocks, 1929.
f. 'Merrie England faire', members of the NUWT pose in costume against a Tudor building backdrop, 1929.
g. Celebration of Agnes Dawson's time as Deputy Chair of LCC and her 60th birthday, 1933. Agnes Dawson Lighting the cake.
h. Celebration of Agnes Dawson's time as Deputy Chair of LCC and her 60th birthday, 1933. Agnes Dawson receives a signed album.
i. Demonstrations at Trafalgar square, view from rear of the crowd towards the speakers with banners & placards standing on the plinth.
j. Eight members of the NUWT London Unit pose with placards claiming right to the Fisher Grant, 1918 (this is the same photo as UWT/G/2/9
k. NUWT London Unit demonstration at Trafalgar Square, July 20th 1918. View of the crowd.
l. Elevated view of the large crowd at the demonstration at Trafalgar Square, July 20th 1918.
m. Eq. Franchise Procession, June 1926. NUWT members marching with banners.
n. Eq. Franchise Procession, June 1926. NUWT members with banners intermingle with members in motarboards & gowns.
o. Eq. Franchise Procession, June 1926. Close up of memebrs facing a small activists platform.
p. Portrait postcard of Rose Lamartine Yates.
q. Crowd at NUWT London Unit demonstration, Spring Gardens, July 1918.
r. Speaker at Trafalgar Square, 20th July 1918.
s. Speaker at traflagar Square, 20th July 1918.
t. Postcard version of d. 'Merrie England faire', members of the NUWT, in costume, standing around a decorated stall at the faire, 1929.
u. Postcard version of f. 'Merrie England faire', members of the NUWT pose in costume against a Tudor building backdrop, 1929.
v. Photo - a woman in the centre of the photo is pointing at a banner with an image of a London skyline with the words 'Women Arise', to the left of her is an ornate banner with 'National Union of Women Teachers - who would be free herself must strike the blow' (this banner itself is in the Women's Library Banner collection, housed at LSE Library. The reference for it is TWL.1998.35), to the right is a banner with the slogan 'Go Forward' and an image which is too faint to see. On the reverse of the photo it reads 'Bannerade - the Bannerade (short for Banner parade) which was held at Memorial Hall, Farringdon Street, last night was an exhibition of the many beautiful banners carried in the NUWT Equal Pay procession yesterday. All the banners on show were worked in various shades of yellow & green, the NUWT colours symbolic of life, growth & hope, which symbols were also carried out in designs on the banners. Our photo shows Miss Hewitt (President of the NUWT) dedicating the winning banner.'

Extent3 folders and 2 large photos

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