
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number UWT/D/21/13
Title[Education Bill - London County Council education scheme]
Date1921 - 1930
DescriptionPapers produced by the NUWT, the London Teacher's Association and London County Council regarding the implementation of an Education Scheme by London County Council under the provisions of the 1918 Education Act.
This includes:
LCC Report of the Education Committee - includes a section responding to NUWT complaints of the LCC Education Scheme, including a response to calls to raise the school leaving age, 1921
Representations made by various bodies, including the NUWT, to LCC under the 1918 Education Act (the NUWT called for the raising of the school leaving age)
Report by the London Teachers Association on 'The New Education Bill' 1918
Criticisms by the London Unit of the NUWT of the LCC draft scheme of education, 1918
NUWT statement criticising the Government decision to withdraw the Education Bill in 1930 which would have led to the raising of the school leaving age
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