StorageSite | UCL Institute of Education |
Level | File |
Reference Number | UWT/D/24/19 |
Title | Amalgamations and reorganisation |
Date | 1923 - 1936 |
Description | Correspondence between Ethel Froud (NUWT), NUWT members, the Board of Education, and Members of Parliament including Sir Percy Harris, regarding: Requests from the NUWT to MPs to ask questions at the House of Commons regarding infant and junior school department amalgamation and the effects of these on women teachers Statistics and information on the amalgamation of infant departments with other departments Examples of cases from school where women Head Teachers of infant school have been demoted when the infant school has amalgamated with a junior school Enquries to the NUWT from NUWT members regarding Government policy on the amalgamation of schools and the impact it could have on them Cases of problems caused by amalgamation and re-organisation for members of the NUWT
Board of Education Circulars, reports and memorandums including: 'Proposals for enabling Local Education Authorities to enter into agreements with the Managers of Non-Provided Schools for purpose of Re-organisation' 'Proposals for aid to non-provided schools' 'The organisation of Public Elementary Schools'
Press cuttings regarding: Discussion of the powers of the Minister of Education in awards or refusing teaching certificates Concerns over the dismissal of older and more experienced teachers to make room for younger ones in times of economy cuts Concerns over amalgamation and re-organisation and how these will affect infant schools 'The Woman Teacher', issues: 4 October 1929; 4 April 1930 and 2 May 1930 (containing reports on re-organisation at Birmingham schools) Calls for equality in opportunities and salaries for men and women teachers Arguments for and against co-education Concerns over the poor state of some schools, and questions over remodelling and rebuilding of schools News of new schools being built Strikes by parents, keeping their pupils out of school, to protest against the longer distances required to get to schools as a result of re-organisation
NUWT reports, memorandums and circulars including: 'Memorandum on Re-organisation and Headships of Schools' 'Men, Women and Headships' 'Back to the Hadow Report - NUWT pamphlet on Re-organisation' 'Statement of policy on re-organisation for the use of local branches' Council reports and papers for meetings regarding re-organisation and amalgamation 'Precis of Evidence to be submitted by representatives of the NUWT, on Friday, January 25th, 1929, on the Board of Education's reference' 'Memorandum on Infant Schools'
Extracts from Hansard questions to the House of Commons regarding the amalgamation of school departments and the effects of this on women teachers |
Extent | 1 folder |
AccessStatus | Open |
Open |
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