
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number UWT/D/25/3
Title'Birth control'
DescriptionPrinted material and correspondence relating to the Conference on the Giving of Information on Birth Control by Public Health Authorities, 1930;
Correspondence with the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain re the sale of contraceptives from automatic machines, 1949
Annual reports of the Society for the Provision of Birth Control Clinics for the years 1924, 1926-1927, 1928-1929, 1931-1932, 1932-1933.
Report of the conference on the giving of information on Birth Control by Public Health Authorities held on April 1930.

Workers' Birth Control Group bulletin and circular with a list of MP's which agreed on birth control.

Pamphlets, booklets and leaflets from organisations including the East London Women's Welfare Centre, the Society for the Provision of Birth Control Clinics, the Malthusian League, the National British Women's Total Abstinence Union and the Workers' Birth Control Group:
'How France Abolished Unemployment' by R. B. Kerr
'Unemployment ant the Birth Rate' by G.A. Gaskell
'Birth Control! What it aims at. Why it should be taught. How you can help a great cause' published by The Malthusian League.
'Information on Methods of Birth Control at Maternity and Child Welfare Centres' and 'Family Limitation and Women's Organisations' published by National Union of Societies for Equal Citizenship.
'Points for Propagandists on the Problem of Population and its Solution'
A post card 'Workers' Birth Control Group'
Press cuttings and leaflet with membership form of Workers' Birth Control Group.
'Planned Families - are Happy Families' 1958
Handbill advertising conference 'Sex Education'
Press cuttings

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