
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number UWT/D/27/36
Title'Cyprus Women Teachers Organisation'
Date1946 - 1959
DescriptionCorrespondence between A. Muriel Pierotti (NUWT), the Pancyprian Teachers Organisation, and women teachers in Cyprus including Margaret Christodoulidou regarding plans for the formation of a women's teacher organisation in Cyprus.
The correspondence covers:
Requests for information on the work and aims of the NUWT and any other relevant information on the status and activities of women teachers in England
Struggles which women teachers in Cyprus have had with trying to secure equal pay and equal rights within the framework of the Pancyprian Teachers Trade Union
Equal pay for women teachers - includes details of the pay differentiation in Cyprus
Request for subscription to 'The Women Teacher'
Telegram of good wishes from the Cyprus Teachers Trade Union to the NUWT in their campaign for Equal Pay and Equal Pay meeting, October 1946
Report of conditions for women teachers in Cyprus and the decision of the mixed teacher's union to support women teachers in their fight for equal pay
Contribution from the Cyprus Teachers Trade Union towards the equal pay film 'To Be a Women'
Dispute between the Pancyprian Teachers Organisation (Cyrpus Teachers Trade Union) and the Cypriot Government over claims from the Teacher's Organisation that the Government want to suppress nationalist feeling through the censorship and alteration of books - the teachers were dismissed for gross insubordination
Request for information on the NUWT from English women teachers working in RAF schools in Nicosia, Cyprus

Information Bulletin of the Progressive Party of Cyprus Working People (AKEA) - issues from July 1950 to May 1954 (incomplete run)

'Educational chronicles' - journal of a Cypriot teachers association (in Greek) - list of contents below
1. For a better tomorrow, by Panos Taliadorou
2. Difficult children of the elementary school, by Euripidis, Iakovou
3. Special needs of retarded and idiotic children, Chrysanthis Georgiades
4. The questionnaire for teachers' self control, Simos Simeonidis
5. For the creation of music elevation
6. Teaching English, Sofroniou
7. Elementary education, Papadouri, A
8. Mental health of Children, Nikis Georgiadis
9. Inferiority complex, Kostas Christodoulou
10. The value of assisting books [perhaps supplementary books]
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