
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number UWT/D/29/6
Title'Air Raid Precautions'
Date1935 - 1945
DescriptionCorrespondence between Ethel Froud and A. Muriel Pierotti (NUWT), NUWT members including Nan McMillan, the National A.R.P. Co-ordinating Committee, Local Education Committees, the Board of Education, the Women's World Committee Against War and Fascism, the National Peace Council and Members of Parliament including Marcus Samuel, regarding:
Notice of NUWT Resolution on 'Air Raid Precautions' (ARP)
NUWT Statement on Air Raid Precautions
Requests for copies of the NUWT statement on ARP
Copies of 'ARP Progress - Bulletin of the National A.R.P. Co-ordinating Committee'
Arrangements for a Deputation from the National A.R.P. Co-ordinating Committee to the Board of Education and request for NUWT suggestions as to any issues they would like raised
NUWT representation at meetings of the National A.R.P. Co-ordinating Committee
Evacuation of children during war-time
ARP - NUWT head office precautions
NUWT Officer's Meeting notes on gas defence and anti-war propaganda, air defence
NUWT Circular listing contact details for Union officials in the event of need
Notice of public meetings held to discuss the Government's ARP proposals
Petition, issued by the Teacher and Parent Anti-War Group declaring opposition to the Government's ARP proposals
Circular letters and reports from the National Peace Council outlining their concerns over Government ARP proposals
Amendments to NUWT memorandum on ARP
Formation of an Anti-Air Raid Drill Sub-Committee of the NUWT
Enquiry from NUWT member on the position of teacher who might feel they have to refuse to give ARP teaching on moral grounds
Responses to the Government's ARP Circular from many NUWT members
Notice sent to NUWT members of public meetings called to discuss Government ARP proposals
Passive defence
London County Council emergency evacuation scheme for school children
NUWT Resolution on Air Raid Precautions and circulars detailing this resolution sent to Member's of Parliament
Replies from Members of Parliament regarding NUWT Resolution criticising Government ARP proposals (some of these replies are particularly strongly opposed to the NUWT stance)
Rules for allowances for evacuated teachers

Press cuttings regarding:
Reports of NUWT criticism of the Government's defence proposals, 1935
The cost of armaments
Air Raid Precautions
'The Woman Teacher', 19/07/1935, 27/09/1935
Emergency evacuation schemes for school children
Camp schools
Reports of protests from evacuated teachers regarding expenses incurred in keeping up two homes
Closure of schools in cities and issue of what will happen to the education of the children who are not evacuated
Re-billeting of school children
Distribution of gas masks
Arguments for and against the Government ARP proposals

Official publications including:
'Fire Precautions in Schools', Home Office, 1945
'Air Raid Precautions - Treatment of Casualties and Decontamination of Personnel', Home Office, 1935
'Air Raid Precautions - Organisations of Air Raid Casualties Services', Home Office, 1936
'Some things you should know if war should come', Lord Privy Seal's Office, 1939

Board of Education circulars and memoranda regarding:
School children's gas masks
Fighting crop fires
Closure of schools in the event of an invasion
War damage to educational property
Adjusting expenditure between Local Authorities in respect of evacuees
Use of school buildings for Civil Defence purposes
Communication with teachers in an emergency
Government evacuation scheme
Schooling in an emergency
Care of children who become orphans as a result of enemy action

Other publications:
'Poison Gas', Union of Democratic Control
'Will your child be safe', Magda Gellan, Women's Committee for Peace and Democracy
'Behind the gas mask - an exposure of the proposed Air Defence Measures', British Section Women's World Committee Against War & Fascism
'The menace of chemical warfare to civilian populations', Arthur J. Gillian, Chemical Workers Union
'ARP - Labours Policy'
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