
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number UWT/D/32/5
Title'Equal Rights Committee (evidence for the Royal Commission on the Civil Service)'
Date1929 - 1931
DescriptionCorrespondence between the NUWT, the Equal Rights Committee, the Federation of Women Civil Servants, London and National Society for Women's Service, Vera Brittain, and Open Door International regarding the submission of evidence to the Royal Commission on the Civil Service. The NUWT were represented on the Equal Rights Committee.
This covers:
Minutes of meetings of the Equal Rights Committee
Statistics on the employment and promotion of women in the civil service
Corrections to the statement submitted by the Equal Rights Committee
Published version of the statement submitted by the Equal Rights Committee
Arrangements for the submission of evidence
Transcript of meetings of the Royal Commission
memorandum submitted by the NUWT to the Royal Commission on Civil Service regarding equal pay and the marriage bar
Comments from members of the Equal Rights Committee on the submission of evidence
Requests from Ethel Froud to members of other women's organisations for any information they would like to be considered for the submission of evidence to the Equal Rights Committee
Copies of 'Opportunity - the organ of the Federation of Women Civil Servants', issues from October, November and December 1929

Third Interim Report of the Committee on the Appointment of Ex-Service men to posts in the Civil Service
'Memorandum on the position of women in the Civil Service', London and National Society for Women's Service
'Equal Pay', the Federation of Women Civil Servants

Extracts from Hansard of questions asked in the House of Commons regarding equal pay for women civil servants and inequalities in employment and promotion opportunities for women in the civil service
Extent1 folder

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