
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number UWT/D/44/4
TitleUnemployment Insurance
Date1920 - 1933
DescriptionCorrespondence between Ethel Froud and A. Muriel Pierotti (NUWT), members of the NUWT, the Board of Education, the Ministry of Labour, the Unemployment Insurance Statutory Committee, Percy Harris (Member of Parliament), and the Open Door Council regarding:
Unemployment Insurance Bill, 1932
Request for NUWT support for an Open Door Council deputation to the Minister of Labour regarding the Unemployment Bill
Statistics regarding newly qualified unemployed teachers
Unemployment Insurance
Requests from the NUWT to raise the rate of unemployment benefit for dependant children
Requests for advice and help from teachers with regards to the National Unemployment Insurance Scheme, whether the are eligible, what they have to pay
Possible NUWT representation on the Advisory Council for Juvenile Employment

Press cuttings regarding:
Juvenile Unemployment Insurance
Unemployment Insurance Bill, 1929

Typed notes from NUWT meeting on 'Juvenile Employment Insurance'

Reports, publications, Circulars and Memorandums including:
Report of 'national Joint Conference on Unemployment Insurance and the Report of the Blanesurgh Committee', 1927
Typed reports from the Children's Minimum Committee detailing their reactions to the Unemployment Act, 1934
Unemployment Insurance Act 1920
Unemployment Insurance Act 1923
Situation of married women with regards to Unemployment Benefit
The 'Anomolies Bill', 1930
Criticisms of, and statement by, Neville Chamberlain with regards to his views on unemployment
Reactions to the Beveridge Committee on Unemployment Insurance
Individual cases of girls refusing jobs which paid less than Trade Board regulation rates then being refused Unemployment Benefit because of this
'Unemployment Insurance Acts, 1920 to 1922 - Explanatory Memorandum', Ministry of Labour
'Unemployment Insurance Act 1920 - Persons Insurable Under the General Provisions of the Act', Ministry of Labour
'Unemployment Insurance Act 1920 - Summary of Scheme', Ministry of Labour
Extent1 older

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