
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number UWT/F/123/1
Date1923 - 1944
DescriptionCorrespondence between Ethel Froud and A. Muriel Pierotti (General Secretaries NUWT) and members of the Torquay branch of the NUWT including Miss M. Mudge regarding the organisation and management of the branch.
The correspondence covers:
Decision to disband the Torquay branch, 1944
Enquiry from the Provident Sick Fund for contact details for family of a recently deceased Torquay member
Reports of a heavy air raid in Torquay which badly damaged three schools and in which the Director of Education was killed, 1943
Update of news from individual members, for example news on illness in their family, retirement from the teaching profession, resignation from the union, and other changes of circumstances
Propaganda in training colleges
Resolutions for annual conference
Notice of which branch members who will be attending annual conference
Subscriptions to 'The Woman Teacher'
Expressions of thanks from the General Secretary to those undertaking posts for the branch and those retiring from posts in the branch
Reports of branch meetings
Problems being experienced with evacuated school children with regards to whether London County Council, or the country area they have been evacuated to, are responsible for them
News of campaign work undertaken by the branch members
Arrangements and notices for branch meetings
Notification of changes of address and moves due to evacuation
Enquiry into NUWT rules of membership with regards to supply teachers
Request for clarification of the definition of the geographic area in which the branch can try to recruit new members
Arrangements for visits from Central Council, including visits from Ethel Froud, to speak at branch meetings
Requests and arrangements for visits from an NUWT Organiser to assist the branch with propaganda work
Reports of visits from NUWT Organiser Sybil Burls members detailing how she felt the branch was being run
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