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Description | Minute book for the London branch of the NUWT.
NUWT members present at the meetings (not all members were present at each meeting) Baynes Bonner Burden Cameron (E.J.) Cameron (M.M) Carron Chandler Chard Chester Clarke Cutten Dawson Dunn Farrant Ferrari Follett Fouraker Froude Garrow Gibbs Gilder Hall Harland (Lister-Harland) Head Heath Hellier Hogan Hunter Jobson Johnson (G.E.) Johnson Kent-Jones Lane Leslie Litt Manning Marcham Mardon Matthews McCarron Murton Overmark Parsons Plumb Potts Poulter Reed Rhodes Richmond Ridge Smith Stockare Stubbington Tanner Tarrant Tidswell Thomas Townsend Walker Williams (A.K.) Westgate Westwood Woolford Young
Men mentioned frequently: Mr. Jake Mr. Tate Mr. Nicholls
Front pages used for correspondence/stamps and dues record-keeping.
Initial undated entries discuss topics including: Proposal that secondary teacher be asked to join the Federation Topics sent to NUT: - Boys and girls being taught by teachers of their own gender - Class sizes should be below 40 students - Combined departments under one head are to be condemned
Meeting held at 6 p.m. in Essex Hall Topics discussed were resolutions for the NUT, including: Combined Departments and Classes, against large classes, more than 40 on a role (agreed) Children under 5 (agreed) Domestic Training for Girls ("Indecisive") Women in Boys' Schools
Note signed by Amy Chester, Feb 8th 1908 About alterning rules re: a legal defense fund and a group organising one of their own. "A most real danger"
Meeting of held on Feb 8, 1908 at Albany Street
Chaired by: Mrs Amy Chester (President) Additional members in attendance included Misses: Burdon Gibbs Gilder Hall Head Lane Mannnig Marcham Mardon Overmark Potts Thomas Williams (A.K.) Westgate
Topics discussed: Opening of Reading Branch Raising the combined departments issue with the Council of the General Federation at their Annual Meeting and in Presiden'ts address Christmas Women's Conference & (1) concerns it wasn't representative (2) that the men voted (3) that the meeting wasn't held where other women members of the NUT could be present (4) The principles upon which women were elected to the conference and by whom
Committee proposed to include: Hall Mardon Thomas Williams (A.K.) Marcham Gilder Potts Westgate
Meeting of held on May 16, 1908 in Essex Hall
Members present: Chester Cameron Lane (L.E.) Jobson (S.E.) Murton (Mrs.) Manning (E.E.) Overmark Potts (E.S.) Williams (A.K.)
A new chair was elected, Miss M.M. Cameron Miss A.K. Williams was elected as vice president Miss Manning was elected Secretary and Treasurer The following were elected to committee: Mrs Murton Mrs Ferrari Mrs Bonner Mrs Kent Jones Misses: Overmark Potts Jobson Marcham Lane Gibbs Burden Hunter McGuiness Johnson Leslie Murray Young Smith
Resolutions passed: In favour of a theatre as a national mamorial to share peace on education grounds Pledging to make the visit of 1000 Canadian and American teachers a success Ensuring women are nominated for the NUT Ensuring NFWT vote for the woman candidate in NUT and other elections provided the candidate agrees with NFWT views
Meeting held on Sept 26, 1908 at the Emerson Club
Chaired by Miss A.K. Williams
Members mentioned: Overmark Potts Murton Smith
Topics discussed: Resolution involved expressing surprise that the president had canceled and scheduled meetings without talking to her fellow officers Supporting the candidacy of Miss Cleghorn as VP of the NUT
Meeting held on Nov 7, 1908 at the Emerson Club
Chaired (partially) by Miss M.M. Cameron
Members mentioned/present: Burden Cameron (E.J.) Chester Johnson (G.E.) Lane Manning Potts Williams (A.K.)
Discussion focused on the convening of the past meeting and invalidating the minutes, but the proposal (by the president) was not successful. There were calls for a committee meeting to be held to go through business, because this meeting focused on operations/conflicting views.
Minutes from the committee meeting were not included, but the next meeting mentions it occurred on Nov. 28.
Meeting held on Feb. 6, 1909 at the Mowbray House
Members present: Bonner Cameron (M.M.) Cameron (E.J.) Chester Ferrari F. Johnson G.E. Johnson Hunter Kent Jones Lane Langbridge Nicholls Manning Murton Overmark Smith Young Williams (A.K.)
Members would not allow Miss M.M. Cameron to take the chair based on "recent actions" and Gibbs took the chair.
Topics discussed included: Nominations to committee: Chester, Gilbbs, G.E. Johnson, & Marcham A vote of censure of M.M. Cameron as president and M.M. Cameron's resignation
Annual Meeting, held on May 22, 1909 in Trinity Ch Hall, Great Portland Street
Members present: Bonner Burden Chester Dunn Ferrari Gibbs Head Johnson Lane Manning Murton Overmark Parsons Potts Woolford Williams (A.K.) elected President and chair
Gibbs had served as chair since February. Lane became VP Chester became Ex President Manning became Sec and Treasurer
20 memebers were elected to committee Next meetings were scheduled and rules were adopted changing the subscription year to follow the calendar year
Meeting held Saturday, Sept 4, 1909 at the Emerson Club
Members present:
Bonner Chester Ferrari Hunter Johnson Kent Jones Murton Overmark Potts Williams
Topics discussed: Almalgamating the Hackney Branch with the London Branch Subscriptions to the Federation
Meeting held Saturday, November 20, 1909 at the Emerson Club
Members present: Chester Dennison Ferrari Hunter Marcham Murton Overmark Potts Walker Williams (Chair)
Topics discussed: Almalgamating the Hackney Branch with the London Branch Convening the Annual Meeting in early January Names for the General Committee (Chester, Overmark, Marcham, Johnson, Williiams, Potts, Lane, Reed)
Annual Meeting held Saturday, Feb 12, 1910 at the Day Training College, Southhampton Row
Members present: Bonner (Secretary and Treasurer) Ferrari Kent Jones Johnson Leslie Lane (elected President) Matthews Murton Overmark Parsons Plumb Potts (elected VP) Walker
Topics discussed: Mrs Morgan-Dockrell read a paper "Woman as Citizen" Raising the Combined Departmetns issues at the forthcoming conference Naming members to committee (Plumb, Bendall, Matthews, Walker)
General Meeting held Saturday, April 30, 1910 at the Emerson Club
Members present: Bonner Chester Ferrari Hunter Johnson Lane (elected Chairman and President) Marcham Matthews Murton Overmark Plumb Potts Reed Ridge Walker Williams
Topics discussed: Modification of C.P. rules in Inf Schs under L.C.C. (abbreviations were used) Amalgamated or combined departments Watching union meeting agendas and pledging to take womens' questions only
Meeting held Saturday, Sept 10, 1910 at the Emerson Club
Topics discussed: Supporting Miss A.K. Williams for Executive of NUT, only one candidate Correspondence with Mr. Jake and Mrs. Ridge on candidates for the executive Membership increases (55 subscriptions) Organising whist drives to raise funds Adding to Rule 4g L.T.A. that vacancies be filled by candidates with the next-highest number of votes in the previous election Protesting the policy of compulsory double, or terminal, promotions The increasing number of "mixed" (boys and girls) schools (the Branch believed boys should be taught by masters and girls by women teachers)
Annual meeting held Saturday, January 28, 1911 at the Emerson Club
Members noted: Chester Garrow Lane Leslie Jobson Overmark Potts (incoming president) Ridge Williams
Topics discussed: Subscription increases (64) and moving out of debt Combined departments (monitoring the issue) Seeking information about the Reading district's action re: married teachers Selecting committee and conference delegates Montion for Conference "That no public action in opposition to the declared policy of the NFWT be taken by any officer or member of the Committee"
Meeting held Saturday, March 25, 1911
Members noted: Jobson Lane Potts
Topics discussed: Responding to the Reading Association re: married teachers, called "merely evasive" Urging the council to use B & C funds to establish a home for teachers with limited incomes Interest of Switzerland in London's super annuated women teachers Changing rule 25, adding that an annuity from the fund shall not exceed £65 (or £80 where a relative is dependent) Employment of women teachers in boys schools (Branch took an opposing view.)
Meeting held Saturday, May 27, 1911
Members noted: Farrant Garrow Overmark Potts Walker Williams
Topics discussed: Gathering information about the Reading Association re: married teachers and reporting to Central Committee Writing to Day Schools Committee about difficulties posed to women teachers by limiting Whitsuntide holiday to Monday only Conference business: super annuation
Meeting held September 30, 1911
Members noted: Ferrari Jobson Johnson Lane Leslie Overmark Plumb Walker Williams
Topics discussed: Sending a letter to the Education Committee requesting an extension of the mid-term holiday Motion failed to adopt 2 candidates for the Executive of the N.U.T., 1 candidate, A.K. Williams, was put forward The Executive's Motion re: Women's Suffrage Increase membership of N.U.T. to try to get a 5th member for London on the Executive Organising an outing to the Lady Brassey Museum Referring to the L.T.A. the matter of L.C.C. inspectors' ability to ask questions of teachers while in class
Meeting held January 27, 1912
Members noted: Bonner Chester Leslie Johnson Marcham Overmark (incoming President) Plumb Potts Williams
Topics discussed: Nominating members to the Imperial Conference and to Central Committee Disablement allowance Proposals: substituting 6 for 10 years, time of disablement not to count, allowance should not cease until a teacher is reappointed Motions for conference: 43 (class size?); combined departments; equal pay for equal work Adhering to previous years' arrangements for Sports Day Reports on older teachers by the L.C.C.
Meeting held May 11, 1912 at the Emerson Club
Members noted: Chandler Chester Fouraker Harland Kent-Jones Overmark Richmond Walker
Topics discussed: Letter from the editor of Women Teachers World of opportunity to insert reports Sending a representative to the MP Conference 38 new members, 20 obtained by Miss Garrow, increasing total to 110 Meeting of the NFWT at Hull Energy around the topic of womens' suffrage/franchise Indignation at speeches of Mrs Burgwin and Mr. Cook Recommending the Central Committee draw up a resolution re: the Parliamentary question of franchise for women Recommending speakers on the question of womens' franchise Dramatic Teaching
Meeting held September 28, 1912
Members noted: Bone Chandler Chester Dawson Lane Jobson Overmark
Topics discussed: Requesting memebers attend and "influence all women teacher to attend" the quarterly meetings of their N.U.T. associations & support women candidates for their L.T.A. division The objects and aims of the Women Teachers Franchise Union (not to replace other teachers unions) Complimentary superannuity scheme for members outside London (Newcastle scheme used as example)
Meeting held Tuesday, January 28, 1913
Members noted: Chester Clarke Jobson Kent-Jones Leslie Overmark Potts Walker
Topics discussed: Retirement of Mr. Jake and dissatisfaction with the results of the Federation Question of affiliating with L.C.C.W.T.U. Nominating 5 London member for Fed Comm Mrs Hulton read her paper on "Handwork for the lower standards" Election of representatives for Conference Supporting A.K. Williams for the Executive of N.U.T.
Meeting held Saturday, April 26, 1913 at the Emerson Club
Members present: Baynes Clark(e)? Dawson Follett Fouraker Froude (General Secretary) Ferrari Hunter Kent-Jones Lane Lister Harland Marcham (President) Potts Plumb Poulter Stubbington Walker Williams
Topics discussed: N.U.T. Conference at Weston-super-mare & account of the deputation to Lord Heldane re: women's suffrage The grand suffrage meeting "crowded to the doors" and the speeches of Mrs Dice, Margaret McMillan and Mr Harben Letters circulated by anti-suffrage teachers Nominating Ms Williams to the Executive
Meeting held Saturday, Sept 20, 1913 at the Emerson Club
Members noted: Bonner Froud Leslie Jobson
Topics discussed: By-election for the Executive, gathering support for Ms. Williams in all London divisions Superannuation and Article 50 Birmingham Conference Federal Committee work on equal pay, suffrage, help from the press, and how to keep supervisors Recommending the Federal Committee obtain legal advice w/re: to women paying NUT Sub less 2f Work with Franchise Union to support the same women
Meeting held Jan 28, 1914 at the Emerson Club
Members noted in attendance: (14 total, though not all are named) Chester Leslie Potts (Chair) Williams Walker
Topics discussed: Establishing leadership for the next year Nominating Ms Williams to the Executive Selecting conference representatives Drafting resolutions including for equal pay, adequate pensions/compensation for displaced teagers Referring to the Local Association the question of teaching housecraft to elder girls and trade schools for girls Equal pay in mixed departments (boys and girls), urging the LTA present a scheme for the General Conference to be more representative
Meeting held May 23, 1914 at the Emerson Club
Members noted/in attendance: Clark Kent-Jones Williams
Topics discussed: Suffrage resolution, "That the NWT supports the claim of women teachers to full rights of citizenship" Differences between the pensions of English and Scotch teachers and Civil Service members
Meeting held Saturday, Sept 26, 1914 at the Emerson Club
Members noted: Chester Clark Dickenson Fouraker Froud Jobson (chair) Kent-Jones Litt Tarrant Williams
Topics discussed: Memorial for Ms. Potts Helping Finchley set up a unit Moving that the equal pay resolution be dropped until after the war, "unless our hands were forced" LCC Probationer Bursaries,"regretting that the LCC should make this a means of articifical supply of teachers" Supporting 2 nominees to the executive, A.K. Williams and Agnes Dawson Supporting for Committee same candidates as LCCWTU & WTFU, provided they were members of the NFWT The great necessity to serve upon the Local Relief Committees
Annual General Meeting held Jan 23, 1915 at the Emerson Club
Members mentioned as present: Bonner Clark Chester Follett Hogan Leslie Kent-Jones Jobson (Chair) Poulter Rhodes and Nash of Finchley Tarrant Tidswell
Topics discussed: Inclement weather kept many from attending Central Committee action, asing S. Shields to keep the scheme Collect subscriptions in person to save expense Kent-Jones becoming president, commending Jobson for the past year Conference resolutions: ECR; "too lades" and those born too soon; franchise; compensation for displaced teachers; equal pay; combined departments; marriage no disability Undertake the tea and evening refreshments for the London Conference
Meeting held May 15, 1915 at the Emerson Club
Members mentioned as present: Clark Chester Jobson Lane Rhodes Tarrant Walker Williams
Topics discussed: The recent annual Conference A social function for surrounding districts Placing women as inspectors in cases of Criminal Assault son children and on RSPCC Society Protesting the constitution of committees for NUT Nat fund. Raising funds for the Women Teachers Ambulance Car Fund War work being done in the Boys Institutes of extra-metropolitan districts Asking the LTA Committee for Manual Training Instructors
Meeting held July 10, 1915
Members mentioned as present: Carron Chandler Cutten Fouracker Jobson Kent-Jones (Chair) Tanner Tarrant Williams
Topics discussed: Account balances, making donations Supervisors of the central committee Local meetings for propoganda work, dividing London the way the NUT is divided
Special meeting held Sept 30, 1915 at the Emerson Club
Members present: Chandler Cutten Fouracker Heath Jobson Kent-Jones (chair) McCarron Poulter Rhodes Stubbington Tanner Tarrant Tidswell Townsend Walker Westwood Williams
Topics discussed: LTA election
Paster here is a news clipping commending women teachers and announcing 24 members of the NFWT for election to the LTA
Meeting held Oct 15, 1915 at the Emerson Club
Members mentioned as present: Cutten Hellier Kent-Jones (chair) Poulter Stubbington Tanner Tarrant
Topics discussed: NUT elections, supporting Williams and Dawson for the Executive Supporting a public Conference in 1916 Recent conference on equal pay for equal work
Next page contains a newsclipping of the meeting
Meeting held Nov 27, 1915 at the Emerson Club
Members mentioned as present: Clark Cutten Hellier Kent-Jones (chair) Poulter Tarrant Williams
Topics discussed: Successful new branch formed in Finchley Increase of membership and good balance Proposal by one NUT Associaiton to reduce the number of delegates to Conference by 2/3 Memorial stone for the late Miss Potts Conference resolutions, including: (1) superannuation conditions and amounts granted to teachers in England and Scotland should be the same (2) franchise, women's right to vote (3) equal pay for equal work (4) war economies, that decisions should be at the head teacher level Central Council nominations NFWT Conference, urging it be outside London Clothing drive for civilian camp at Ruhleben, British POWs
Annual General Meeting held Jan 22, 1916 at the Emerson Club
Members present: Alexander Bonner Clark Chard Chester Dickinson Jobson Kent-Jones Leslie Stockare Tanner Walker Williams
Topics discussed: Poulter's bit for the LTA vacancy Central Council work, nominations for the next year Assumption of the chair by Mrs Chester, and her nomination to the Council of TPS Delegates to the NFWT Conference
Meeting held April 14, 1916 at the Emerson Club
Members mentioned as present: Chester (chair) Cutten
Topics discussed Central Committee delegates and reporters B & C Funds of NUT, reporting case of unmarried women being refused grants The Schoolmistress (journal) is the "official organ of the NFWT"
Meeting held Saturday 17 June, 1916 at Golders Hill Park
Members noted as present: Chester (Chair) Follett Jobson Kent Jones Leslie Williams
Topics discussed: Finances: balance, starting a Guarantee Fund and raising the subscription Appointing district secretaries with Supervisors at the head More literature or propaganda to make their work more widely known Support for the Central Council