
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number UWT/F/73/2
Title[London branch/Unit - Minutes of General and Annual meetings - Feb 1918 - Sep 1937]
Date1918 - 1937
DescriptionMinute book for the London branch of the NUWT.

Meeting held on 2 February, 1918

Members noted in discussion:
Kent Jones
Lane (Chair)
Leslie (elected ex President)
Murray (elected President)

Topics discussed:
Meeting held for the amalgamation of the London Branch of the National Federation of Women Teachers and the Women Teachers Franchise Union
A constitution was adopted, creating the new organisation: the London Unit of the National Federation of Women Teachers
Eligibility: all women teachers (other than supplementary) within the London County Council area
Subscription due dates
Executive Committee: President, VP, Ex President, Secretary, Organiser, Press & Parliamentary Secretary and Treasurer, with 10 other members. 7 to form quorum.
Leadership succession, ballot elections for officers other than President and VP
Meetings: Annual meeting in January, which is the only meeting where new rules can be made
Leadership nominations and elections
Results: Miss Dawson (VP), Miss Follett (Treasurer), Mrs. Ferrari (Secretary), Miss Coombs (Organiser), Miss Cutten (Press and Parliamentary Secretary)
President's address covered the enfranchisement of women and women teachers' salaries
Formation of salaries sub-committee (6 members)

Annual General Meeting held 25 January, 1919 at Kingsway Hall

Members noted in discussion:
Allan (Haseltine Rd) (rep for ordinary schools)
Alston (rep for "blind, deaf, physically defective and mentally defective" schools)
Belcher (Marylebone Central)
Benwick (rep for ordinary schools)
Brougham (St. Andrews)
Coombs (Finlay St, Fulham)
Croxon (VP)
Cutten (elected Press and Parliamentary Secretary)
Bentley (rep for ordinary schools)
Brush (Christ Church)
Dawson (The Friern PD) (acting President) (rep for ordinary schools)
Follet (rep for ordinary schools)
Davis (Kennington Rd)
Dyer (Enfield)
Fraser (Hatfield Rd)
Gerard (rep for ordinary schools)
Gibbs (rep for "blind, deaf, physically defective and mentally defective" schools)
Glashier (Fulham Palace Rd)
Ferrari (Secretary)
Forster (Sunnyhill Rd)
Frutton (Cabll St. Central)
Hodgkinson (rep for ordinary schools)
Hunt (rep for ordinary schools)
John (rep for "blind, deaf, physically defective and mentally defective" schools)
Key (Dempsey St)
Kipps (S. Hackney Cen)
Lane (rep for ordinary schools)
Lawerence (Buckignham Terrace)
Lockwood (rep for "blind, deaf, physically defective and mentally defective" schools)
Lucy (rep for residential schools)
Lyle (Northwold Rd)
Marks (Beuthal Rd)
Martin (rep for ordinary schools)
Morgan (Elizabeth St) (rep for ordinary schools)
Murray (Beaufort House)
Nixon (rep for Trade schools)
Nobbs (rep for ordinary schools)
Pierrotte (Kensal House)
Pratt (rep for ordinary schools)
Rester-Harloud (rep for ordinary schools)
Scriven (rep for ordinary schools)
Shadbolt (rep for central schools)
Slainbrook (S. Hackney Central)
Smith, A (Merton Rd)
Smith, M (Ennersdale Rd)
Stanbury (rep for central schools)
Stanford (Aldridge Rd)
Tanner (Treasurer)
Tetleboam (rep for ordinary schools)
Tidswell (Choumert Rd) (rep for domestic economy centres)
Thomas (Portobello Rd)
Tremeer (rep for ordinary schools)
Welton (Christ Church)
Willis (rep for ordinary schools)
Highfield (Childeric Rd)

Topics discussed:
Alteration of rules on annual subscriptions and the admittance of students leaving teaching college (registration fee only)
Expanding the Executive Committee to 30 members beyond officers to accommodate wider representation from several categories:
Graduary, central and secondary schools; domestic economy centres; residential schools; "blind, deaf, physically defective and mentally defective" schools;
evening institutes training colleges and trade schools.
Adopting the policy of an Honourary Organiser in each LCC electoral area
Members of each school nominating a School Collector
Appointing scrutineers to recount voting papers
Status of funds/Treasurer's Report
Equal Pay Resolution, calling on members of the LCC to fulfil the promise made on 25 July 1918 that teachers' salaries should be reconsidered within
a few months and urging women's pay be equal to men's
Presenting an equal pay petition at the LCC
Limited consideration of political issues, "only if they deal with education and the status of the teacher". Was rejected.
Nominations for Central Council
Adoption of resolution for annual conference that the board of education allocate funds to the Local Education Authorities for the purpose of education research work
Adoption of resolution that advisory committees on education should be established with all Local Education Authorities and at least 50% of members of these
committees should be teachers.
Passage of a resolution that all teachers be given by the State a full course of University training
Electing delegates to the NFWT conference in Leamington and allocating funds for their expenses

Annual General Meeting held 24 January, 1920 at Memorial Hall, Farringdon St

Members noted in discussion:
Alston (rep for physically defective schools)
Coke (rep for mentally deficient schools)
Coombs (Press and Parliamentary Secretary)
Croxson (President)
Dawson (ex President)
Ferrari (Secretary)
John (rep for evening institutes)
Kipps (rep for central schools)
Lockwood (rep for ordinary and physically defective schools)
Lister Harland
Lucy (rep for residential schools)
Muir Stanbury (VP)
Nixon (co-opted to rep trade schools)
Shadbolt (rep for ordinary and central schools)
Tanner (Treasurer)
Tidswell (rep for domestic economy schools)

Topics discussed:
The passing away of Miss Cutten
Election of officers, including 18 representatives for ordinary schools, 2 for central, 2 for physically defective
Adjusting subscription so that in include free delivery of "The Woman Teacher"
- Adoption of resolution for annual conference noting alarm over the "growing power of the medical officers over the work and prospects of teachers" and
requesting the Board of Education and Local Education Authorities to make provisions that no serious line of action be taken without consultation between
representatives of teachers and medical officers
- Adoption of resolution calling upon the Board of Education enforce the passage of the Sexual Disqualification (Removal) Act of Dec 1919 re the
appointment of married women teachers to permanent staffs
- Adoption of resolution calling for an inquiry into the conditions of work for teachers and the break down in health of young teachers
- Adoption of resolution calling on the Board to urge Local Education Authorities to frame regulations securing sick leave and sick pay for teachers
comparable to what is granted to civil servants
- Adoption of resolution noting concern with the delay in carrying out the provisions of the Education Act of 1918, especially w/r to the establishment
of nursery schools, open air schools, continuation schools and special schools
- Adoption of resolution demanding that adequate grants be allowed for the carrying out of education research per the Education Act of 1918 (Section 23)
- Adoption of resolution condemning the National Union of Teachers for repudiating their declared policy of equal pay and calling on women to withdraw
from NUT membership
Nominations for NFWT and election of 20 delegates to their annual conference in Bath at Whitsuntide

Annual meeting (special case) held 9 March 1920 at the Memorial Hall to review a duly certified statement of accounts that was not ready in January

Annual General Meeting held Monday, 31 January, 1921 at Memorial Hall, Farringdon St

Members noted in discussion:

Allen (Ordinary Schools)
Alston (Ordinary Schools)
Begbie (Ordinary Schools)
Boniwell (Ordinary Schools)
Coombs (VP)
Dawson (Ordinary Schools)
Ferrari (Secretary)
Flower (Day Continuation Schools)
Follett (Ordinary Schools)
Gerard (Ordinary Schools)
Gibbs (Ordinary Schools)
Hunt (Ordinary Schools)
John (Physically Defective Schools)
Kipps (Ordinary Schools)
Lane (Ordinary Schools)
Lightman (Ordinary Schools)
Lister Harland (Ordinary Schools)
Lockwood (Physically Defective Schools)
Muir Stanbury (President)
Nixon (Ordinary Schools)
O'Donoghue (Press and Parliamentary Secretary)
Pierrotte (Ordinary Schools)
Pugh (Ordinary Schools)
Shadbolt (Ordinary Schools)
Tanner (Treasurer)
Tidswell (Domestic Economy Centres)
Tetleboam (Ordinary Schools)
Tremeer (Ordinary Schools)
Wilson (Ordinary Schools)

Topics discussed:
Election of officers, including 20 representatives for ordinary schools, a new representative for day continuation schools, and others
Secretary's and Treasurer's reports
Adjusting name to be "The London Unit of the National Union of Women Teachers"
Adjusting eligibility to not include teachers outside the pension scheme
Slightly increasing subscription
Moving the annual meeting to February and moving the deadlines for new rule proposals
- Adoption of resolution for annual conference calling for the implementation of the 1918 education act, noting the suffering of children
and young people due to war economies. "Only through wide education generously and wisely administered can we expect to make
good in intelligence, health and moral growth, the ravages war has left behind."
- Adoption of resolution requesting the Board of Education to immediately call a conference, inviting teachers, to address the shortage of teachers
- Adoption of resolution reaffirming belief in one common and unified national system of education, from nursery schools through university
- Adoption of resolution urging the Government provide allowances for children in poverty, paid to mothers, and to raise awareness of this issue
- Adoption of resolution insisting that all new teachers have at least two years practice and be afforded facilities for continued study before
entering a training college
- Rejected motion to call on the central council to affiliate the NUWT with the Trade Union Congress
Nominations to the NUWT, delegates to the conference and Central Council

Meeting held 30 September, 1921 at King George's Hall, Tottenham Court Rd
for the purpose of modifying Union rules

Members noted in discussion:
Coombs (chair)

Topics discussed:

Alteration of Rules --
- changing annual subscription to £1.1.0 due in October
- moving up deadlines for rule change proposals
- Repurposing the September meeting to consider Conference resolutions and nominations for Central Council
Special resolutions re subscriptions for current members that year, setting deadlines for nomination
Conference resolutions --
- for a National System of Education (nursery to university)
- for consulting teachers on a) the planning and equipping of new schools and b) planning of necessary alterations to present schools
- that marriage should not be a disqualification from permanent teaching service
- for smaller class sizes
- for assessing married teachers income be assessed separately for income tax, and that tey be entitled to the same abatement as single women
- (for private session) that members compelled to resign by the LEA be allowed to retain their full membership
- (for private session) that Central Council cover the hotel and travel expenses for provincial members traveling to attend London meetings
- against the continued practice of economising in Education, calling on the Board and LEAs to review the situation and assess its impact on children
- "that the time has now come for NUWT to consider ways and means of educating parents on the meaning and use of education for their children
- for meetings and conferences between parents and teachers and LEAs, encouraging cooperation and school attendance
- for Continuation schools to be compulsory for children 15-18 years, raising the leaving age to 15 years
- for NUWT to create a fund to carry on the campaign of married women teachers
- for the elimination of supply teachers, advocating that LEAs employ as permanent staff all teachers required
- for supplies, apparatus, and books to be more available, as quickly as possible, and for low costs
- for the LEA to give financial help to schools to allow students to move through schools at their own pace
- for school attendants to look after the physical needs of young children
- opening elementary schools later in the summer, at 9:30 a.m. to give children more sleep
Nominations for national officers and central council
Resolution to forward to Labour Minister: that the NUWT demands that women's employment is considered at the same time as men's

Annual Meeting held 7 November, 1921 at Essex Hall

Members noted in discussion:
Cokes (Treasurer)
Coombs (chair) who "is acquiring a national reputation"
Ferrari (Secretary)
O'Donoghue (Press Secretary)
Titleboam (VP) also headmistress of the Jews' Free School

Members representing Ordinary Schools:
Belcher, A.E.
Blake, F.E.
Coleman, E.H.
Dawson, A.
Follett, J.L.
Glaisher, M.
Holloway, M.L.
Hunt, V.
Lister Harland, S.
Maccoby, S. I.
Molyneux, S.
Stone, M.E.A.
Tanner, A.
Tremeer, L.M.
Urquhart, M.
Webb, I.F.
Willis, E.F.

Representing Day Continuation Schools
Foll, K.E.

Representing Central Schools
Shadbolt, B.C.
Hancock, W.

Representing Domestic Economy Centers
Tidswell, E.A.

Representing Physically Defective Schools
Pierrotte, L.

Representing Mentally Defective Schools
Alston, E.M.

Topics discussed:
Should NUWT decide to incorporate legal aid into fees, London will be able to cover this without further subcription increases
Paying a £10 honorarium to the secretary
Sending 20 delegates to national conference, with railway and hotel expenses paid
That the committeee consider the immediate appointment of an organiser for work in the London area, similar to work in provinces (carried by 72 votes for, 33 against)

Manchester Conference resolutions (crystallising those from the previous meeting):
- against the practice of "false economy" in education, the dangers of staff shortages and materials after the war
- that married women teachers should not be disqualified
- raising the leaving age to at least 15
- for smaller class sizes
- eliminating the "casual labor" of supply teachers
- for a National System of Education

Special Meeting held 25 September, 1922 at Kingsway Hall

Members noted in discussion:
Coombs (chair)
Finch (nominated for VP)
Hewitt (nominated for Treasurer)

Topics discussed:
A resolution against unqualified persons sent into schools for practice or observation
Deciding policy re: unqualified persons
- no woman teacher should train the person
- no teacher should agree to receive the person into her school
- if asked to receive the person, the teacher should decline in writing to the LCC
- if such person is forced into the school, the teacher should write again in protest
- that the Asst Teacher should confine herself to the duty of teaching her own class, not do any of the unqualified person's work
- if persons are sent into schools, staff should write in disapproval and ask for their withdrawal
- if persons are not withdrawn, another letter should be sent
- that names of teachers who train unqualified people should be recorded

Potential resolutions for 1923 Cardiff Conference:
- in the compilation of the revised code (elementary ed) that no more supplementary teachers be introduced into schools
- that NUWT branches organise Parents' Unions
- that a sufficient number of uniformed women police with power of arrest be established and employed to ensure childrens' safety
- protesting the late Education Minister's pronouncement that "economies by be effected in Infants' Schools by the employment of unqualified persons" and urging LEAs only hired qualified teachers
- "the time has come for all women teachers to combine in the NUWT to be strong enough to make their own conditions with the Board of Education.
Through their hold over a mixed Union, men have made conditions protecting [their own] interests...such as non-employment of unqualified men teachers at lower rates of salary."
- protesting any reduction of facilities w/re to Special schools, and that the Government provide "adequate institutional treatment"
Nominations for National Officers and Central Council

Annual General Meeting held 9 November, 1922 at Essex Hall

Members noted in discussion/election results:
Dawson (Treasurer)
Ferrari (Secretary)
O'Donoghue (Press Sec)
Titleboam (chair and President)
Tidswell (VP)

Members representing Ordinary Schools:
Blake, F.E.
Coleman, E.H.
Dawson, A.
Follett, J.L.
Glaisher, M.
Lister Harland, S.
Tremeer, L.M.

Corcoran (Mentally Defective Schools)
Hancock (rep Central Schools)
Lockwood (Physically Defective Schools)

Topics discussed:
Heavy workload for the coming year on concerncs of "unemployed fully qulaified teachers, unqualified persons, the threatening circular 1286 re full time
service for pensions, the salaries quesion in 1923 would demand serious attention"
Legal guidance from Central Committee confirming that teachers should not be compelled to train unqualified persons
NUWT "is the only organisation" dealing effectively with this question, so women should stand together in the union
Alteration of rules, nominating offices by 14 July and holding General meeting in November
Sending 25 delegates to conference in Cardiff
Work being done by Parent's Unions

6 most important Conference resolutions:
- protesting the late Education Minister's pronouncement that "economies by be effected in Infants' Schools by the employment of unqualified persons" and urging LEAs only hired qualified teachers
- that it is incosistent with national education welfare to curtail expenditure by reducing staffs and salaries; excluding children under 6; shuttering Continuation schools, and
decreasing scholarships to secondary schools and universities -- urging that Government cuts come from elsewhere
- "that it is the right of a married woman to decide for herself whether she will work outside her own home or not" and any ruling which forbids such employment is illegal
- that NUWT branches organise Parents' Unions "since it is mainly through an informed public and cooperation of parents that
we can hope to progress in national education"
- protesting any reduction of facilities w/re to Special schools, and that the Government provide "adequate institutional treatment"
Nominations for National Officers and Central Council
- calling on all women teachers to combine in the NUWT to gain strength and make their own conditions with the Board of Education

Special Meeting held 19 February, 1923 at Essex Hall
regarding the LCC Education Committee's proposal to exclude married women teachers from service

Members noted in discussion:
Titleboam (chair)

Resolution developed:
- that the London Unit emphatically protests the recommendation
- that this action has no reason and does not mitigate present unemployment
- "the proposal is a further blow" in that its effect will be to lower women teacher's efficiency
and lowers the advancement and economic independence of women workers generally
- recommendation should not be accepted by LCC

Special Meeting held 12 March, 1923 at Essex Hall (catalogue entry incomplete - still being worked on)

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