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Description | Minute book for the London branch of the NUWT.
NUWT members present at the meetings (not all members were present at each meeting) Misses: Isaac Hefford Currie Daswell Dawe Clarke (E.A) Wills U.Clask N.M turner Lloyd L Allan Tibbles
Subject areas covered in the minutes include:
An appeal for help in the forthcoming borough council elections in Limehouse An appeal for help organising lobbying parties in the House of Commons in support of the British nationality and status of aliens amendentment bill 1937 Annual report (London unit) Treasurer's report Both reports were adopted by the meeting Induction of incoming president miss E.F Phipps Miss Slead (Editor of London Teacher) spoke about Gledim Fund Results of the London Unit Elections: Following elected: President: Miss E.F Phillipps Vice President: Mrs A. Macmillan Ex President: Miss M.E. Byron Hon Treasurer: Miss V.E.Fletcher Hon.Secretary; Miss h.d dedman Hon Ant Sec: Miss D.A.Griffin Hon Press Sec: Miss E.F.Willis Commitee: Miss Ackman, Mrs Key, Miss H.E.S Wood, Mrs Cole, Miss Hamlyn, Miss Hefford, Miss Isaac, Miss Currie, Miss Daswell, Miss Dawe, Miss Milweston, ,Miss clarke (E.A), Miss Wills, Miss U. Clark, Miss N.M Turner, Miss Lloyd, Miss L. Allan, Miss Tibbles.
NWUT Annual Conference in Swansea List of Delegates: LU Members of Central Council: Miss M.E.Byron Miss H.D Dedman( L.U.Hon Secretary) Miss D.A.Griffin, B.A Mrs F.E.Key Mrs A.. McMillian Miss E.F.Willis Elected Delegates: (Total 25) Miss D.J.Aickman Miss E.M.Begbie Miss E.E Phillipps Miss M.L Currie Miss H.E.S.Wood Miss E.H. Hemlyn Miss Z. Dawe Mrs N.Hatwell Miss E.M.Dent Miss U.Clarke Miss N.M.Turner Miss E.M.O'Neill Miss M.A.Tibbles Miss E.M.Summersby Mrs E.M.G.Bailey
Representaties sent by various boards: Miss Colwell (LL.B Legal and Tenure) Miss F.E.blake (M.A.F) Miss B.N.Isaac
LU Organising Secretary: Miss G.A.Coombs
The following six resolutions were selected by the meeting: Size of classes (Max 30) Nursery Schools Equal Pay Free Secondary education A call to end practice of Headteacher in charge of a class. Technical Education for girls to be of equal merit and status as technical education provided to boys Revision of rules of N.U.W.T (Swansea Conference) It was agreed to call a general meeting for consideration of draft of the revised rules received from General Secretary. Election Fund.
London Unit Election Fund Meeting November 1937 Subscribers of the L.U.Election Fund was held at the London Academy of Music November 1937 President: Miss E.E Phillipps Report of the Financial state of the of the fund., Discussion about future of fund. Discrepancy between fee promised and actually fee paid. Funds would not be large enough to support Mrs Key from 1940 onwards A discussion of Mrs Keys current and future positions, duties and interests n relation to salery and services tendered. Continueed support for Mrs Key as candidate in the L.C.C election 1940. London unit shall continue to colllect money for the election fund. The following resolution was carried unanimously: funds should be spent to secure Mrs Key to be supported as candidate for the LCC in 1940 and in securing for her a salery of at least £350 a year.
London Unit Election Fund A meeting of subscribers April 1938. Miss Phillipps (President) Financial affairs discussed between members Miss Phillipps went through the clauses of the agreement Discussion between members of Mrs Key's services tendered and future services, candidate present and future status (LCC elections) 1940, 1943, 1946.
Meeting held September 1938 at Morley College,to consider proposed new rules for London Unit President: Miss E.E Phillips Wording of rules were discussed between members. Typed copy of Proposed Rules General Meeting of Members held September 1938 Morley College President Miss E.E.Phillipps Nomination sfor National officers For Treasurer: Burts, Miss Dedman Elected Treasurer Miss Dedman For vice President: Miss Pearsson, Miss Appleby Elected Vice President Miss B.M.Pearsson Nomination for General Council (5 Members) Elected members Miss h.D.Dedman, Miss E.M. Begbie, MissE.F.Willis, Miss E.E.Phillipps, Miss D.J.Aickman The following resolutions for conference were then considered: Sex Education (Suggested for Private Sessions) Improved Educational Facilities Homework Technical Education School Leaving Age Special Schools Circular 1457 Trade Scholarships Hostels for Children Supervision of school Dinners. Pensions Affiliation To the London Trade Council. ARP Assistant Teachers Consultative Sick Leave Peace The Annual general meeting held at Mary Sumners house November 1938 Annual Report Annual Balance Sheet Induction of incoming president Mrs Mc Millan (Miss Phillipps vacating the chair)
London Unit Election,The following members duly elected: President Mrs A Mc Millian, Vice President Miss E.H. Hamlyn L.L.A Ex President: Miss E.E Phillipps , Hon Treasures Miss V.E. Fletcher, Hon Secretary Miss D.A. Griffin B.A Hon. Secretary: Miss H.D.Dedman, Hon.Press.Secretary Miss E.F.Willis. N.U.W.T Annual Conference Eastbourne 1939 list of delegates were announced. The following six resolutions were selected by the meeting: Raising of school leaving age, Circular 1437, Peace, Size of classes, Improved Educational Facilities, Backward Children, Head Teachers in charge of classes. L.U.Election funds were discussed L.U Air Raid Precaution Arrangements Emergency storage provided by Miss Coombs, should an emergency arise. Evacuation procedures for teachers and children were discussed and agreed upon The Annual General Meeting 1939 not held due to evacuation of schools and the outbreak of warThe election for London unit postphoned until after the London unit committee were resumed. The following members were elected: President Miss E.H.Hamlyn Vice President: Miss e.F.Willis Hon Treasurer: Miss A.E.hefford Hon Press secretary: Miss B.N.Isaac Hon assistant secretary: Miss H.D.Dedman Committee: Mrs F.E.Key Miss E.M.Begbie Miss.Felcher, Miss D.J.Ackman Mrs G.Cole Miss A. Goldberg Mrs H.E.S.Wood Miss M.E.Phais Miss Z Dawe Miss E.E.Phillips Miss M.L.Currie Miss M.A.Tibbles Miss U.Clark Miss C.G.Capon Miss A.E.Brewer Mrs N.Hatwell Miss N.M.Tusner The President Miss E.L.T Hamlyn took office at the committee meeting Dec 1939 1940 It was not possible to hold an annual meeting, the officer and committeee elected in 1939 continued in office. 1941 The results were as follows: President Miss E.F.Willis Vice president: Mrs H.E.S.Wood Hon Treasurer Miss A.E.Hefford Hon Assistant Secretary: Miss Begbie Hon Press Secretary: Miss B.N.Isaac Hon secretary Miss: H.D.Dedman Elected Committee: Miss Brislow Miss U.Clark Miss Currie Miss Dawe Miss I.R.Ellis Miss.Flecher Miss Goldberg Miss Griffin Mrs Hatwell Mrs Key Mrs May Mrs Mc Milllan Miss Phais Miss Tibbles Miss Tushner Mrs Walmsley Mrs Wood
Annual General Meeting 1944 President: Miss E.F. Willis Vice President: Mrs H.E.S.Wood Ex President: Miss E.H.Hamlyn Hon Assistant Secretary: Miss E.M.Begbie Hon Secretary : Miss H.D. Dedman Hon Treasurer: Miss A.E.Hefford Hon Press Secretary: Miss B.N.Isaac Committee: Miss Breslow Miss U.Clark Mrs A.E.Culverwell Miss Currie Miss Dawe Miss Ellis Miss.Flecher Miss Goldberg Miss Griffin Mrs Hatwell Mrs Key Mrs May Mrs Mc Millan Miss Phais Miss Tibbles Miss Tushner Mrs Walmsley Miss Woodman
The Annual General Meeting of the National Union of Women Teachers was held November 1944 The usual standing orders were adopted (see A.G.M 1937) The minutes for Annual General meeting held in 1938 were read confirmed and signed (No A.G.M having been held in 1939 nor 1940) No annual report having been presented since the A.G.M in 1938, due to the evacuation of schools. A detailed resume of the London Unit's continued activities, during the war and its subsequent difficulties is contained within this volume. Miss Willis made a plea in her presidential address, for following: The best education to continue to promote a better world in the future A plea for opportunities to treat the children as individuals and against the raising of class sizes A plea for the raising of the school leaving age Good nursery schools A democracy which must give every child it's chance to recognise women with men as free individuals
National Union of Women Teachers annual Conference 1939 cancelled due to outbreak of war. The next conference held in 1941 Mrs F.E.Key spoke of the war bonus and the Burnham committee: Prior to the outbreak of war some women teachers had achived equal pay and improvements towards equal pay were taking place in different areas. The first Burnham comittee in 1919 of which there were 40 men and 5 women present, resulted in levelling down of saleries and all traces of equal pay disappeared. Each time the Burnham committee made a new decision it was to the detriment of women teachers. In 1941 there were 46 men and 6 women on the Burnham committee. In 1941 the N.U.T, met in london to discuss War bonus proposals. The floor rejected them, In a second meeting and a delegate conference with a large majority of men, the proposals were accepted. Great discontent is the result N.U.W.T had demanded flat rate bonus for all teachers every member should do her part of bringing women out of N.U.T to combine for just treatment of women teachers. The breakdown of Burnham is not to be feared for it is an ineffecient tool badly used.
1942 The Annual General Meeting of the London Unit of the National Union of Women Teachers Notes contains Secretary and treasurers annual report Induction of new president Mrs H.E.S Wood , Miss E.F. Willis retire from the chair A salute to USSR (The 25th ann of the formation of Soviet Union) Election of London unit office and committee for 1942 - 1943 President: Mrs H.E.S Wood Vice President: Miss M.A. Currie Hon treasurer: Miss A.E. Hefford LLA Hon Press secretary: Miss B.N.Isaac Assistant secretary: Miss E.M.Begbie Secretary Miss H.D.Dedman Committee: Mrs F.E.Key Miss D.A.Griffin Miss E.H.Hamlyn Mrs Mc Millian Miss Flecher Miss M.A. Tibbles Miss S.M. Woolman Mrs C. Warmsley Miss Z Dawe Miss E Brislow Miss U Clark Miss N.M. Tushner Miss C. G. Capon Miss M.E.Graham Mrs Hatwell Miss E.A.Schroeder Alteration of rules: Annual subscription due Oct to include legal aid contribution to sustanation and parlimentary funds and the free delivery of the Women Teacher. It was suggested and subsequently adopted : To award warbonus to help with increase of immidiate expenses Rule 10 To add the following words: All members whose full subscription is paid shall have the right to vote. The president for one year shall be the expresident of the ensuing year. The vice president of one year shall be the president for the next year, all other mebers of the executive committee shall be elected annually, the election to be by ballot in september. All members whose full subscription is paid before the annual election takes place shall have the right to vote.
National Conference
Education Bill The National Union of women teachers call upon the government in the immidiate future, to introduce an education bill which shall estabilish a unified system of schools by making the following provisions: a) Compulsory provision of the full range of education from 2 - 18 years in all areas b) Establishment of a single type of post-primary school for all children over eleven c) Incorporation of public and private schools into the state system d) Transfer of all church schools to the full control of Local Education Authorities
Members Meeting held 24.02.45 Brides Institute Present Miss E.H.Hamlyn (National Vice President) Miss Summersby Miss Tibbles Mrs Mc.Millan Miss U Clark Miss D Griffin Miss Llwellin Miss Lillis Miss Peacock Miss H.D.Dedman Discussion of The Burnham award and holidays in 1945 and 1946An outline of the National policy on saleries as confirmed at conference 1944 Said policy demanded that all teachers working in all types of school, with no differentiation on account of sex, area, or age of pupils: adequate remuneration for all teachers and allowances for posts of special responsibility. Scales of increase of saleries were discussed with Mrs Mc.Millan suggesting it inadvisable to tackle this question in piecemeal fashion, further sugestion to urge the minister of Education to refuse to sanction the scales not only on the grounds of the inadequacy of the graduate allowance but also on the different rates for men and women. Miss U clark, Miss D Griffin,, Miss tibbles, Miss Llwhellin and Miss Lillis raised subsequent concerns and alternative approaches to tackle this particular issue. Holidays for 1945 and 1946 were discussed in view of the new set up under the education act 1944. following question was raised. Were the primary schools to have the same holiday's as seconday schools.. Following points were raised between members present longer holidays instead of shorter holidays Provision of holiday clubs for children of certain homes recognising that for working class mothers holidays posed a problem that could not be ignored . Mrs Mc.Millan and Miss Turner seconded that all holidays should be equal and this was carried It was agreed that L.U.offiecers should emphasise the necessity of longer breaks between terms and it should be made clear that L.U were aware of the necessity of provision for activities for children in longer holiday periods for children of certain homes , but that this responsibility should not devolve upon the teaching staff.
Members Meeting 28.06.1945In accordance with a decision made at the L.U. meeting in june on the subject of summer holidays for 1945 . an open meeting for members and non members was held An overflow meeting in the second hall was necessary. Miss tibbles Vice president proposed to discuss both matters of saleries and holidays in view of letter received from E.O. The chair outlined the action taken on holidays sine january 1945 when After the announcement of the Ed.Sub.Com of the council that there would be different summer holidays for primary and seconday schools (25 against 35) a strong protest had been sent to the E.O for the committtee and that protest ha been followed by a letter to all members of L.C.C asking for this decision to be rescinded.Names of the L.C.C members who had replied symphathetically to members letters were given and it was agreed to attempt to get the decision rescinded under standing oreder of the council 54(c) A demand that publicity in the press on the matter should be organised Saleries were discussed with members expressing deep dissatisfaction with E.O decision of not paying the new scales until Oct 1st the giving of a flat rate had been considered impractical.. Various alternative suggestions by members present were put forward. Letter sent to E..O |