
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number UWT/F/73/60
Title'London Unit minute book'
Date1918 - 1921
DescriptionLondon Unit Committee meetings.
Subject areas covered in the minutes include:
Agreement to send a telegram wishing Harry Gosling success in his election campaign
Resolutions for an Educational Conference
Calls for sex education for children and classes in teaching sex education for teachers
Proposals for a new constitution for the NFWT
Salaries campaign
Inauguration of the Provident Sick Fund
Equal pay campaign
Appointment of a paid Organiser for the NFWT
Support for London County Council candidates
Hygiene in schools with regards to a recent influenza epidemic
Fundraising and propaganda campaigns
Formation of a Joint Committee of London and Extra Metropolitan branches of the NFWT
Discrimination against married teachers and actions suggested to combat this
Reports from the Education Sub-Committee
Reports from the Treasurer
Inequalities in Superannuation
Deputation to Board of Education regarding salaries
War bonus
Reports from the Advisory Committee
Strike fund
Discussion of plans for an AGM
Estimated costs for producing 'The Woman Teacher'
Subscription charges
Shortage of teachers
Changes to the rules, increasing subscription but including free delivery of 'The Woman Teacher' in the cost of subscribing
News of the death of Miss Cutten, L.L.A. who had been the Press and Parliamentary Secretary for the London Unit
Support for Parliamentary candidates
Formation of a London Unit Orchestra
Arrangements for further meetings and for specialist meetings
Married women teachers
Responses to attacks in the press on equal pay for women teachers
Extent1 volume

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